I dont care too much of my dogs...

I dont pet them, I dont bath them(just splash them with water), I dont teach them any trick, I dont even touch them, I dont even buy them any dog food, I dont even let them in our house, I dont let them lick me, I dont take them to animal hospitality, I dont dress them(…for what??) I dont groom them…

I just give them my our leftovers(bone/anything) I just let them run in the woods(let them free…), I just help them if they got locked(outside our fence)

but still…they treat us as their owner…we love them but just dont care them tooo much( not like the others…OTT)

As far as you know…this is ok…right…like, why do you need to provide your pet@dog too much…they are animals and should be treated as animal(but stiil respect though…)…their ancestor live wild, why should we change their natural life of a DOG right…myparents(mostly mother) the one who teaches us to be not giving them all of these useless things…

Answer #1

wooow…crowdog…tooo much…I say…I just laugh along on everything what you said, still been touched though, you care on how we teach our dog…but, my dog is still healthy, loving…and I just wanted an opinion on the way we treat dogs…but ok, I care to read all your mail.

Give them for someone who cares more??? I taught so…but…hmmm…no way I love them, and almost everyone of people that I know do the same as we are…

Im not cruel to my dogs/animal…just didnt give them much…we love them and I know you still doesnt care what I meant cause we still doing it…

F.Y.I…I ALSO SUPPORT THE NO-ANIMAL-CRUELTY…OK…I wonder why people would abuse their animal…

I dont abuse them ok…

I wonder why our dogs doesnt reproduce??? they have been with us like 3 years now…3YEARS!!!…(how long did u’re dogs lived huh??)

I just think that dogs doesnt belong at home…and I felt yuuck when they lick me…

Just becareful on what you post though…

(felt happy…just a day and 11 comment posted…not proud though… :p

Answer #2

hmmm…thinking about phrannie said…maybe its true… I love them but doesnt do my responsabilities as owning a dog…but I cant possibly buy anything for them as im a student..and my parents said we dont have to buy dog food which I agree…

why some people let their dog in their house anyway??? dont you know dust or any bacteria will stuck on their fur and will get into your food??? groom is not the best answer ok,..

p.s.-whats the symbol ‘p’ stand for anyway???

Answer #3

Come on, really. You dont deserve a dog. Yes, they USED to be wild but not anymore. Give those poor things to some who will feed them. You are just another example of animal cruelty.

Answer #4

Why do you even have them, when they could be and have so much more elsewhere? Get a puppet…or a stuffed animal…I don’t even understand why you bothered to post this crap…


Answer #5

Are you looking to get abusive emails Get real stop being such a spanner, If you don’t want animals send them to a home. Those animals are dependant on you and your being an d**k. Cop on you fool, thats called abuse you really need a wake up call - I hope the society for the prevention of cruelty to animals calls by some day. Jail Bait

Answer #6

Their ancestors were wild - dogs are domestic now. They shouldn’t have any wild thing in their behaviour, they shouldn’t be let to be wild - they can become aggressive (while experiencing their wild part). I agree with the people above - give them to someone who wants them

Answer #7





Answer #8

Up there ancestors were wild but we now have domesticed them. If you choose to get them then you need to be more of a care taker for them. You need to give them food, shelter, grooming, vet visits, This is how they will live longer and be happier dogs, If you cannot give them these things then find another home for them. I am not saying you have to “dress” them up, buy every toy in the store, but you do need to stimulate there minds and keep them active. This is like having a child then saying “Ok, good luck out there” Come on This is not right. Your mother went to the extreme. Yes we don’t need all the goodies in the world but you are not even giving them a life. Oh and by the way, since they are FREE to roam I hope they are fixed.

Answer #9

You dont buy them food? where do they get their nutrition? from a skanky leftover bone? why on earth did you get two dogs if you arent willing to take responsibility for them? if you wanted something you didnt need to provide for you should of got a toy! do the decent thing and give them to somebody who wants a dog.

Answer #10

No…you don’t love them…you simply co-exist with them…there is a big difference there.


Answer #11

Grow up… Find a good home for your animals… and do not reproduce…

Answer #12

Why do people like you buy animals then?

Answer #13

Sounds like you are going to be a great parent someday.

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