Why does my dog roll in food?

Ok so my dog is weird..if we give her something like a grape or cherry tomato she will sometimes roll on it and mush it into the carpet..

I dropped a mint the other day and she got it and did the same thing..rolled in it with the back of her neck..

She did the same today, she got a bit of food and wouldnt eat it(probably because of the vinagar) and she started mushing it with her neck..

Is this normal? Why does she do this?

Answer #1

They do it to get the smell of the food on him/her. Its a way of telling another dog “I had this” or as my dog does, when ever he kills something he does the axact same thing. They are just saying, “I killed it. Impressive huh?” Lol. But its true.

Answer #2

I’m not sure on this, but it might be a dog’s way to hide his own scent and/or get new ‘attractive’ smells on him.

Answer #3

mysterywolf is right. my question… why does my dog play with her food? lol. she likes to toss it in the air and catch it. <3 (I dont really want to know why she does…its the same concept as when they chase their tail, id imagine.)

Answer #4

Just so you know, grapes and raisins are poisonous to dogs.

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