Im confederate does that make me racist?

Im a Northern Confederate I plan to move south and all. Its weird I dont understand why people think the confederacy is all about slavery. Slavery was a political issue of that time and that time only.

 This is my definition of a Confederate they believe in limited government following the first constition of the United states. I believe the first constition was the best constition for America . I believe in a liberated south with equality and freedom all rights to all citizens. I'm against the KKK or any other group thats racist I believe they dont represent the confederate cause I'm strongly against slavery. I believe we are all human and not seperated into distinct races. Im against segregation of any kind Im for southern unity but being seperate nations united under a federal government. The confederate government was the official first constition of America it has been revised to correct failures of the first.
  I recognize slaverys roll in the lead up to the war I believe southerners fought for their nations and to protect their families. I believe slavery was on its way out but was to be delt with responsibly by the Confederate states to be eliminated gradually that would not cause harsh ecnomic turmoil this was better then the unions belief in speedy freeing without taking in account ecnomic impact on both sides agreed on the end of slavery they only differed in how it was to be done. This and other abuses led to session to preserve peace and the safety of southern citizens. T
Answer #1

Actually, the civil war started because the South was upset that Abraham Lincoln was elected as president, as his name didn’t even appear on most southern ballots. They felt that they were not getting enough representation if someone could get elected with no Southern votes. The confederacy was not formed about slavery or economy. It was about representation.

Answer #2

Do you disciminate based on race? If so, then you’re a racist. If not, then you aren’t.

Your political views do not decide whether or not you’re racist.

Answer #3

People often assume that confederate means racist. Which is does not in any way. I’m from south louisiana so I know what you talking about. The problem with that is though, that most racist people do use the confederate flag as racist propaganda. So when people see it, they think racist. I live in a town where the KKK is very active and very well known. They all have confederate flags on their cars, on the houses, etc. So people associate the two around here.

Answer #4

Oh my god!!! Did I fall asleep and go back in time?

Answer #5

Hate,racist? Everyone in the world was a slave nation of all different races and the CSA is taking full blame? What the hell! The war of Yankee Aggression was fought over state rights. IF the north all voted for something and the south all voted for something else the north would always win.fair? No. We wanted to go west the north said no, you can’t as if they could tell us what to do. The only reason slaves were brought in to it was to destroy the south’s economy (which was booming) So you northerner’s can pick up a book and read about it ,instead of being told wrong. And if I want to fly a flag with the CSA symbol and a black boy yells at me I’ll just tell him if it was not for the flag all your black friends and yourself would be in Africa eating mud off of a stick. The flag stands for the Rights not black but white yes. The fact that just because your rich you can not tell us what to do and treat us like shit. And if you do it long enough were going to kill 300,000 of your men. So when your telling people wrongly about the rebel flag being racist and evil your spitting on the face of thousands of 17 year old CSA troops who died so they could be free from Yankee rule.

Answer #6

Wrong. The Civil War was not about preserving states’ rights or limited government, it was about keeping a good economy going.

The Southern states were to cotton and tobacco what OPEC is to petroleum. Nearly three-fifths of the entire world’s supply of cotton was coming from the Southern US at one point. It was bringing an enormous profit to the South, and the margins were as high as they were partly because of slave labor. Obviously, the plantation economy could not survive without that cheap labor. Tensions continued to increase over the issue of slavery as new “slave” and “free” states entered the Union. It became clear to the South that their livelihood and economic independence would end if Congress and the presidency were controlled by “free” states. The South saw the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 as a total defeat, and believed there was no way to influence federal policy any longer. Many Southerners had preferred to secede while James Buchanan was president, since he was moderate on the issue and considered weak leadership. Once Lincoln was elected, they figured it was pointless. Secession was motivated by their desire to preserve the slave economy.

You can think what you want to about the Confederacy, but let’s not confuse their motives. They did NOT want slavery to end, and that’s exactly what the war was about.

Answer #7

Declaration of independence guess what southern states want a nation Type of Government limited and a staterights they would be fighting for these to aswell not just slavery but I doubt anyone north or south fought for slavery. The real problem here is not you opinion but your understanding the best question what soldier in united states joins over political issues non. they join for education offers and generally the desire to defend ones nation. So inconclusion how can someone think soldiers of the south fought for a polotical issue and not independence and their home state =nation

Answer #8

Ditto toadaly…

Do YOU think you are a racist??? Only you know for sure.

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