Are These Racist Flags?

Since the KKK requires these two flags to be used at their meetings, does that make them a racist flag?

Answer #1

the kkk is no longer a racist group (im not saying that racist groups dont exist) the kkks logo: Welcome to the Ku Klux Klan!

Bringing a Message of Hope and Deliverance to White Christian America! A Message of Love NOT Hate!

[of course its a little biased but not RACIST]

ps the dixie flag means many things to many people

Answer #2

And another ignorant person who believes everything a history book tells them. Once again Its pride and heritage not hate

Answer #3

People make things racist. It is just like the confederate flag. The people of the south wanted out of the union because of taxes. Not because they had slaves. President Lincoln was brilliant to turn it into a slavery war. He had been losing because slaves were helping the confederates fight. He offered them homestead land if they crossed the mason dixie line. So now the confederate flag is viewed to the majority as a representation of racism. When southerners view it as a pride for their ancestor’s standing up and giving their lives to stop government forces from running them off their land. Anything can be taken and made a symbol for hate by a majority of people whom decide it is that way. I believe a persons actions should decide, not something that is an object of controversy.

Answer #4

Read the info they have on this website: you might find it usefull in the search for your answer. In general though if a certain symbol is used in anyway to offend someone, there is a chance that if you use it there is a going to be someone that might take your intensions the wrong way. For example… If you saw a flag that had crossbones on it you would almost atomatically think the people on the ship were pirates, but it could be the people on the ship thought the flag was cool and wanted to put it up. It’s just a thought. Good Luck

Answer #5

opponents of the confederate flag see it as an overt symbol of racism, both for the history of racial slavery in the united states, and the establishment of jim crow laws by southern states following the end of reconstruction in late 1870s, enforcing racial segregation within state borders for nearly a century until the civil rights movement. many groups use the southern cross as one of the symbols associated with their organizations, including racist, separatist, and the ku klux klan. in the south, the rebel flag is used as a “subtle” reminder of what was.

Answer #6


Answer #7

I’m not really sure what your talking about;; but I know that the KKK is a racist group, So my guess would be yes.

Answer #8

a heritage of racism and slavery.

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