Why did he asks to hang out & then we dont?

So this guy who I’ve dated before but stayed only as friends asked me out on a date the other day and we even set up a day for it. So he was supposed to text me to tell me where we were going to go but he never did texted me back and I didnt either. So the day we were supposed to go out comes and he doesnt even bother to call or text to tell me that we werent going to do anything, he just didnt contact me at all.

Does anybody have any idea why he would do this??..I mean its him who offered me to hang out with him in the first place so why would he back down. And its not that he doesnt like me because I’ve been knowing him for a while now and we’ve become real good friends..so yeah please give me your opinion..

Answer #1

Okay, I’ve experienced this before,, I was suppost to hangout with the guy I’ve liked since seventh grade and his best friend, we were all gonna go bowling and we set the date and time. He was suppost to text me on the day to tell me where to meet him, but he never texted me and I didn’t want to text him, afraid he may of forgotten about it(even though it was the next day) I was scared he may of changed his plans and I didn’t want to be rejected even though he set this up.. The truth iss; Guys sometimes may do this to show he is intrested, maybe to make sure you are free of seeing another guy, being selfish he wants to know that while he is out he won’t have to worry you’ll be all over another guy. Similar to how some girls may be when they have to frequently “babysit”” their spouses to make sure he is not flirting with another girl. Or this guy may have made the same plans with another girl(s) and picked the best out of all themm. Like he could of found a better date(not to sound rude) but it’s possible. You might wanna ask the guy, or you should schedule a “date” with him make sure you plan everything so if he chickens out make sure you know it’s his fault((: hope this helpss, best of luckk, Winnnie.

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