why are relegious people against the idea we came from apes?

Ok this gets to me a lot.. If god created the earth, mankind, trees, EVERYTHING then why are some people so against the thought we came from apes. To me it would take an even more powerful being to put soem in such a primitive form on the earth and think in a few thousand years it will form what we call “humans”.

Answer #1

in my opinion, both sides need to be more informed and less hateful.

Answer #2

Name one occasion.

The bible said the world was made in 7 days. Science proved otherwise. There is one for you.

Answer #3

The bible says that we are made in the image and likeness of God, not apes.

Answer #4

Because they are afraid they might be wrong.

Answer #5

because we didn’t come from apes because apes are smarter than people :D

Answer #6

Please, explain it to me since my understanding is incorrect to you.

As I understand it, the process of evolution is a proven fact. It is somewhat similar to the idea of adaptation in that a species may change slowly over time. It could be called “evolutionary adaptation.” This has been proven, yes.

The idea that we all originated from a common ancestor; plants, animals and humans is the theory that has not yet been proven.

Is this the correct understanding of evolution? From what I have read, the “Theory of Evolution” and actual “Evolution” itself which are two different things.

Evolution = process of change in a species over time, eventually branching out into different groups of species. Such as birds with different colored bills, beaks or mating rituals.

Theory Of Evolution = The idea that everything on earth comes from one common ancestor.

The topic I am referring to is the Theory of Evolution, which does not go along with what the Bible says; God created all plants animals and humans “according to its kind” and at different times. It does not support the idea that Humans plants or animals evolved from one thing or one another.

I simply stated that the idea of a sudden creation is not so far-fetched as one would believe, because fossil records do indicate a period of ‘non-complex’ life and then a sudden explosion of a variety of different forms of ‘complex’ life.

In answer to the poster’s question, this is why “religious” people don’t agree with the idea that humans have come from apes. Because the idea contrasts with the Bible and is not completely supported by enough facts to make it any more than a theory.

Hebrews 3:4 says
‘“Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but he that constructed all things is God.”‘

Absoplutely false. Try reading studies from real scientists, instead of pseudoscientists whose sole agenda is to prove there mythology is true.

It would be easier if you could provide the information you speak of from such legitimate sources instead of sending anyone on an aimless search for it. Share, please. I would really like to see the information for myself.

Your responses are mostly attacks on the things I’ve said, and so I cannot rightly say that you have given me anything to think about or consider.

Answer #7

According to my research, the information of which does come from scientific textbooks and not ‘creationist websites,’ there is no no factual evidence to support the theory of evolution.

Your research is extremely flawed. If there was no factual evidence to support evolution, it would not be called a theory, it would simply be a hypothesis.

If the evolutionary theory were correct there would be a steady flow of fossil records that show a chain of evolution from ‘simple’ to more complex life forms.

There is. As I said, your research is flawed,

The Cambrian period is a geological time period in which an explosion of fossilized creatures appeared. This period of time was filled with an explosion of life, when there had been little fossilized evidence of complex life beforehand. This and the period preceding it would have been the crucial period for fossilized evidence of a steady and progressive chain of evolution from simple cells to complex creatures. This is not the case. Instead these different life-forms appear abruptly and from nowhere.

It is clear you have no idea what you are talking about, and are just parroting what you hear from creationist sources. The fact that the earliest life forms that appeared 4 billion years ago were simple one celled organisms, and as time progressed more and more life appears and continues to get more complex proves evolution has and does occur. That is of course unless you are crazy enough to think that god planted that evidence there to test us, or maybe the devil put it there.

Between the species that appeared there was a complete absence of intermediate fossils. There was no connection between these new plants and animals to anything that appeared before them. There is also no evidence of any transitional fossils in which a beak is transitioning to a jaw or fins transitioning into legs or feet or toes. No transitional forms are known between any of the major phyla of plants or animals.

Absoplutely false. Try reading studies from real scientists, instead of pseudoscientists whose sole agenda is to prove there mythology is true.

A theory is a hypothesis that has withstood extensive testing by a variety of methods, and in which a higher degree of certainty may be placed.

You almost got something right. A theory is no longer a hypothesis once it becomes a theory. And since the theory of evolution is overwhelming accepted by the experts in field tells you that it is most likely true. On the other hand, there is very little support for the findings of your flawed research.

A theory is NEVER a fact, but instead is an attempt to explain one or more facts.

Yes, the theory of evolution is not proven, but the fact of evolution is. The fact is that evolution does occur, and this is proven through fossil records. The theory of evolution desribes how it happens (natural selection, mutation, etc…), not whether it happens. There is no doubt that it happens. Gravity is a theory too. Do you deny that gravity happens? The theory describes how it happens, not whether it happens.

Why not leave science to real scientists, not religious nut-jobs…

Answer #8

It is a FACT that evolution has occured.

Provide me with the evidence, the data that shows this. Especially since you are referencing my words on DNA mutations. If you are aware of this factual information, share it with me. Don’t keep it all to yourself. If I am truly wrong I would like to know it. According to my research, the information of which does come from scientific textbooks and not ‘creationist websites,’ there is no no factual evidence to support the theory of evolution.

One example of the implausibility of the evolution theory is the attempts to prove it’s validity through fossil records.

Because the variety of creatures that are alive today are seen to be distinct and complete and not evolving into something else, scientists turned to fossil records to provide the evidence that would confirm the evolutionary theory.

If the evolutionary theory were correct there would be a steady flow of fossil records that show a chain of evolution from ‘simple’ to more complex life forms.

The Cambrian period is a geological time period in which an explosion of fossilized creatures appeared. This period of time was filled with an explosion of life, when there had been little fossilized evidence of complex life beforehand. This and the period preceding it would have been the crucial period for fossilized evidence of a steady and progressive chain of evolution from simple cells to complex creatures. This is not the case. Instead these different life-forms appear abruptly and from nowhere.

Between the species that appeared there was a complete absence of intermediate fossils. There was no connection between these new plants and animals to anything that appeared before them. There is also no evidence of any transitional fossils in which a beak is transitioning to a jaw or fins transitioning into legs or feet or toes. No transitional forms are known between any of the major phyla of plants or animals.

In this regard, fossil evidence could then be said to be consistent with the idea of a designer. On the basis of what is found in the Earth, the theory of a sudden creative act in which major forms of life were established fits best.

There are hundreds of millions of fossils cataloged in museums all around the world, so there IS sufficient fossilized data available to prove this theory, but these fossil records still do not provide sufficient evidence to support the theory of gradual evolution.

A theory is “a hypothesis that has withstood extensive testing by a variety of methods, and in which a higher degree of certainty may be placed. A theory is NEVER a fact, but instead is an attempt to explain one or more facts.”

Answer #9

The only changes that are possible for DNA are to fill in places where something is lacking. These are called mutations. Mutations can change the character of a species, but it does not change the entire species itself. Because DNA provides the blueprint of an organism’s operation and appearance, a genetic change in DNA will only be evident as a change in an organism’s appearance, behavior, or health. It does NOT change the entire species.

Yet another thumper making feeble attempts to refute a proven scientific fact. Try reading a science book instead of creationist websites that spew the crap you are now trying to peddle hear. It is a FACT that evolution has occured. But you are free to believe whatever mythology you like. Just don’t try to claim there is any science behind it.

Answer #10

ookay, I ask you guys this, are your ancestors monkeys?? guess not…

Why are you answering your own question before anyone else has a chance. Do you think that is being clever?

Monkeys and humans have the same common ancestor. There is no doubt. Believe in god all you want, but denying evolution is like denying gravity. It has been proven.

Answer #11

ookay, I ask you guys this, are your ancestors monkeys?? guess not… that’s right… God made as to be like Him.

Answer #12

The bible said the world was made in 7 days. Science proved otherwise. There is one for you.

In the Bible the word ‘day’ is not always limited to a 24 hour period. The word “day” as used in this instance especially could not mean a 24 hour period. At the end of this passage at Genesis 2:4, the entire creation period is called “the DAY that Jehovah God made earth and heaven.” This includes all 7 days mentioned beforehand. Because of this we know that this day is not a literal 24 hour period, because a 24 hour period does not contain 7 days.

The word day can also mean an age or a period of time that has been marked with a specific beginning and a definite end. Since the Bible gives no specific indication of how long these creative days were we cannot assume that they were 24 hour spans of time.

Even we today use the word ‘day’ to refer to periods that were far longer than a 24 hour span of time. For example “We had it good … back in the DAY.”

We also have to remember that God, being in the heavens is not restricted by the time restrains that humans have. To this effect 2 Peter 3:8 says “there is one thing, my dear friends, that you must never forget: that with the Lord, a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.”
And Psalm 90:2 says “Even from time indefinite to time indefinite you are God.”
For further emphasis, Psalm 90:4 says additionally “For a thousand years are in your eyes but as yesterday when it is past..”

A God that has existed always would not have the same time restraints that we have, therefore the creative days mentioned in Genesis could mean any number of years and should not logically be taken literally.

Because it’s stated god created us in his image. Not in teh image of a monkey.

John 4:24 says that “God is a Spirit.” Because we know that we as humans are definitely not spirits because we have a physical body and spirits do not, the statement “In our image” cannot refer to physical appearance. Spirits are invisible creatures and Humans are not.

When the Bible describes God to it’s readers, it uses not physical attributes but figures of speech, such as similes, metaphors, and anthropomorphisms to help us comprehend his strength, majesty, morals, personality and actions. An Anthropomorphism is attributing human characteristics to a nonhuman subject. Without such figures of speech, it would be very difficult for any description of God to be understood by mere humans.

Since we know we are not spirits, but flesh - we are in God’s “image” in that we can reflect his personality, morals and display the many different parts of his personality. Such as mercy, kindness, anger and compassion. To illustrate, since people have the ability to feel compassion for those who suffer, we must conclude that God is also compassionate and feels for those who suffer because we were created in his image in this regard.

We are also created in God’s image as far as being able to reason on a level much higher than that of the animals around us. Romans 2:14-15 explains this fact nicely.

“For whenever people of the nations that do not have law do by nature the things of the law, these people, although not having law, are a law to themselves. They are the very ones who demonstrate the matter of the law to be written in their hearts, while their conscience is bearing witness with them and, between their own thoughts, they are being accused or even excused.”

What evolutionists DO believe is that humans and apes once had a common ancestor which branched into separate species. It has been scientifically proven that we evolved from lower forms of life until we reached the stage that we are at.

Paintings by a specific artist can be identified by dominant hues, colors, tones and brush strokes that were commonly used by that specific artist. Even more evidence toward an artist’s work is the placing of a signature on a painting. Likewise all of Earth’s creations have a similar design and mark that identifies their creator as being the same. We all have DNA and similar muscular and bone structure. This gives evidence not that we evolved but that all things were created or painted by the same artist.

So if how they’re finding these common ancestry links between humans and apes to support the theory of evolution is by DNA or bone structure … Considering the fact that all creatures on the earth have these similarities would suggest that we have evolved not only from apes, but from all other prehistoric creatures that have the same or similar makeup that we have.

Also interesting to note is that even the apes that exist today are said to have a similar DNA blueprint to humans. But it is not identical. How can we not say that these ancestors who had ‘linking’ DNA structures were not just different species of Ape or monkey that were only similar to one another just as apes and humans have similarities but are not the same creatures today?

The only changes that are possible for DNA are to fill in places where something is lacking. These are called mutations. Mutations can change the character of a species, but it does not change the entire species itself. Because DNA provides the blueprint of an organism’s operation and appearance, a genetic change in DNA will only be evident as a change in an organism’s appearance, behavior, or health. It does NOT change the entire species.

To illustrate, lets take the blueprint of a house. A house blueprint is SIMILAR to the way that DNA is the blueprint for the human form. A developer consistently uses this home blueprint to build the same house over and over again. The developer dies passes the blue print on to his son. The son feels the house is missing something, a deck. So he adds the deck to the blueprint and this blueprint for the house with the deck is used to build the same house over and over again. That developer dies and passes the blueprint on to his son, who also feels something is missing and he adds two rooms to the blueprint for the house. So now the house has a deck and two rooms added on to it. This blueprint is now used to build with. It’s not the same house, but it’s still a HOUSE. It just looks a little different because it has two extra rooms and a deck. DNA works similarly.

No intermediate specimens, or creatures stuck in-transit between human and ape forms, exist to give any semblance of support to the evolution theory. It is highly unlikely that evolution would be so organized so as to clump together all the changes from one species to another at the same rate. There would be different stages of apes, humans and the in-betweens still on earth today. We might even say there would be higher stages of humanity since as the theory suggests we are all continually improving. But there is no such evidence.

Answer #13

in my opinion, both sides need to be more informed and less hateful.

No one is being hateful, and please tell me what I need to be more informed about?

Answer #14

Because it’s stated god created us in his image. Not in teh image of a monkey.

a lot of the crazier religons believe dinosaurs are false, the earth is only 6,000 years old and dinosaur fossils and fossils of prehistoric man are planted there by Satan to make us question religion.

Answer #15

They’re against it… because it implies a number of things… it implies:

  1. the human form is imperfect.
  2. that God didn’t get it right the first time, implying God is ALSO imperfect
  3. the religious depictions of the beginning of the universe are flawed.
  4. the Bible SHOULD NOT be interpreted LITERALLY. Ohhh and you know the fundamentalists would just HATE that
Answer #16

actually that is not true Catholics dont read Genesis, and couple other books literally. They do believe we came from apes and big bang, etc just that God had a hand in everything. I always thought they were against that too, until my parents stuck me in a catholic school

Answer #17

No one believes that humans evolved from apes, even those who support the theory of evolution. What evolutionists DO believe is that humans and apes once had a common ancestor which branched into separate species.

Notice, that information just isn’t becoming common knowledge.

Answer #18

Because religion is fear. People became afraid of what they did not understand so they birthed religion. Even after science has proven the bible wrong on many occasions, religious people are still swayed by their churches, blinded by religion. This is why we have so much war, is because religion shrouds everything.

Answer #19

Most Christians will fight tooth and nail that we didn’t evolve but were merely created but can you really argue with fossils (skulls) that were found for all of the stages of men.

It is actually not most christians. It is actually a small number of people who deny evolution. They are so steeped in there mysticism, they cant see the forest for the trees.

Answer #20

Even after science has proven the bible wrong on many occasions

Name one occasion.

Answer #21

Name one occasion.

That the earth was created in seven days.

That the world is only 6000 years old

That humans were created as is, and didn’t evolve from lower life forms.

That there was a world-wide flood that killed everything 6000 years ago

That the world was repopulated from noah and his children

I could keep going on, but you get the idea.

Answer #22

The bible says that we are made in the image and likeness of God, not apes.

God could be an APE then… hah…

Answer #23

God could be an Ape then… God is not an ape, He is God. Also I’m not saying evolution doesnt happen, the bible says that God created the world, how he created that is still unknown and unless you were there when He created it you really dont know.

Answer #24

Saved, were you there when dinosuars existed? We do know they existed based on a vast amount of supporting evidence.

We don’t have to have been there to know (or at least theorize) how it was created. There is plenty of evidence that tells how the earth formed. There is none that supports that there was some supernatural cause behind it.

Answer #25

God is not an ape, He is God.

…a god that looks like an ape… JUST as likey…

unless you were there when He created it you really dont know.

uh huh… then don’t say he’s not an ape. You weren’t there, so YOU… DON’T… KNOW…

Answer #26

No one believes that humans evolved from apes, even those who support the theory of evolution. What evolutionists DO believe is that humans and apes once had a common ancestor which branched into separate species. Even the human line continued to branch, and at one time, homo sapiens shared the earth with a half-dozen (that we know of) other human-like creatures, a thought which never fails to give me the willies.

Considering this idea that simpler forms can, over time, develop into more complex forms has only been around for about 180 years while organized religion, our primary source of information on the creation of the Universe for most of recorded history, has been teaching that we were created by God or gods for 10,000 years, evolution has an uphill climb ahead of it trying to fight all that dogma and indoctrination. But there are many, many religious scholars who believe that evolution and religion do indeed go hand in hand.

Change is very difficult for a great many people, particularly change that involves looking at yourself and your planet in a completely new way. Give it time, though. Coming to understand your own origins does not happen overnight. Or even in 180 years’ worth of overnights.

Answer #27

Uh huh…then dont say he’s not an ape. You weren’t there, so YOU…DON’T KNOW.. Did I claim to know? What I know is the bible, so tell me one bible verse that supports YOUR theory of who or what God is? To Jimahl Yeah there is plenty of evidence that supports how the earth was created, and I agree with most of it. There are some things tho that not even the greatest scientist know, and somethings go beyond explanation. I believe God is the creator, even if it cant be scientifically proven right now, besides creation itself proves it.

Answer #28

ok. monkeys still are the same. they have not evolve and will never become humans.

the idea that we decend from a monkey is stupid and has not proven to br true.

But Creation has.

Answer #29

People who keep saying the bible says we didn’t come from apes but from the image of God, I’m sorry but you’re all delusional. It has been scientifically proven that we evolved from lower forms of life until we reached the stage that we are at. it just so happens that apes were along the path, after apes came Ardipithecus ramidus the first form of man. Then came Australopithecus anamensis this early species of man still had a very similar skull structure to that of most apes. Then Australopithecus afarensis, then Australopithecus africanus, Australopithecus robustus, Australopithecus boisei. Then finally the most famous of our ancestry in evolution Homo habilis the depiction of this version of our ancestors is what most people call the “cave man”. Then along came Homo Erectus who is known to have had almost the exact brain structure as modern day humans and had the ability to speak. Then last but not least Homo Sapiens, us. Most Christians will fight tooth and nail that we didn’t evolve but were merely created but can you really argue with fossils (skulls) that were found for all of the stages of men. Then I ask what about the dinosaurs did the devil place all those bones here as well?? I highly doubt it. The Christian version of our coming to be is way to flawed and contradicting to the scientific knowledge that we have today to still hold it’s merit. Yet, to so many delusional minds it does..

Answer #30

There are those religous that belive that not everything in the bible was written to be totally literally. The bible is a collection of stories. Stories interpreted many times, around campfires, in ancient Jewish homes, and what have you. One day to God could be a thousand years to man.

Answer #31

ok. monkeys still are the same. they have not evolve and will never become humans.

It amazes me how some people will comment on evolution without knowing having the slightest Idea how it works. Monkey’s have evolved. The evolved into MONKEYS. Just as we evolved into HUMANS.

the idea that we decend from a monkey is stupid and has not proven to br true.

The ‘idea’ is not that we evolved from monkeys. We evolved from the same common ancestor that all primates evolved from. And it has been proven. You are just to lazy to find out for yourself.

But Creation has.

Care to present this proof for creation? I have heard this claim many times, but never actual saw any evidence.

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