Why do I become upset all of the time?

Every time I start to like someone I start to become upset all of the time over the stupidest little things. How can I stop it? It sucks so much and I don’t want to be alone for the rest of my life so something needs to be done.

Answer #1

sounds like you’re scared things are going to go bad, so you circumvent the whole process and make sure they go bad so you’re not disappointed?

need to figure out what exactly you’re getting upset over and why… are you just trying to push them away?

Answer #2

great advice nemo,

you;re not going to be alone the rest of you’re life, There is someone there for you, it just takes some people longer to get together than others. give it time, and enjoy yourself.

Answer #3

Whenever you feel like you’re going to get upset, don’t say anything, count to 10 in your head, then think to yourself, is this really worth getting upset over?

Answer #4

I think you might need to explain in more detail what you mean.

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