Why am I grieving now?

I was in a relationship with a girl my age (17) and she got pregnant, I got into some trouble and got kicked out of the place we were both living. I found out about a wek later that she had an abortion and I didnt really think anything of it. But in the last few days that all I can think about…the missed moments with my first born…im really depressed anyone help? (the strange thing is this was about 6 months ago)

Answer #1

How pregnant was she when she had the abortion? How do you know it was a boy? I think there is no point in thinking of the what if? because there is nothing you can do about it right now.

This experience will make you a better man in the end and someone that will make better choices from now on. Just don’t punish yourself playing pictures in your mind. Perhaps you can share your experience or offer some advice here or on your town to other people that have had similar situations.

Answer #2

all I can think of is that you might be changing, like assessing your priorities in life (where am I heading, what are the mistakes I made, how to correct them). probably accepting more mature responsibilities as well. and that the aborted child is supposed to be your responsibility. good luck.

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