whats wrong with my hamster

Okay. My16 month old female hamster has an eye infection where around her eyes its all red and she can’t open them. About 2 weeks ago we went to the vet to see what they said and they said we only need to clean it with warm salt water (which doesn’t work) we also cleaned it with other things, but i don’t know the name of them.Ever since it hasn’t improved and she still can’t open her eyes. MAIN PROBLEM. A few days ago my hamster started to stop being active and now doesn’t move. She can’t eat and we have to give her food to her mouth and when we do she can’t even use her paws to help her. She doesn’t have the energy to clean herself and you can tell because her fur and paws are FILTHY. We’ve tried to clean her a tiny bit but it was best to leave her be. She’s not drinking either which is a huge worry to me.

My friends and i have been researching and found that most hamsters with the same case HAVE died. Also when a hamster goes cold it sometimes means its going to die in 24 hours- she went cold half an hour ago. We are taking her to the vet tomorrow but until then I’m not sure of what to do. I don’t want to wrap her in a towel and place her on a hot water bottle because it has been told heating the hamster can sometimes speed up the process of it dying and i honestly want to see if the vet can help her tomorrow. Please don’t say she is dead because she IS alive and she IS BREATHING. Thanks guys if you can help me and please don’t leave any rude comments about it, thanks,

Answer #1

I am so sorry. Two of the hamsters that I have has got cancer and then one had a stomach influenza. There isn’t much that you can do. I would have thought that the vet would have given her antabiotics, but it’s too late for that. Try mashing up berries and fruit and force feeding her drops of it. Hope this helps.

Answer #2

Thank you, sometimes you gotta face the truth. :(

Answer #3

Thank you, sometimes you gotta face the truth. :(

Answer #4

Thank you, sometimes you gotta face the truth. :(

Answer #5

We took her to the vet today and they have her antibiotics, she’s improved a tiny bit. She can just about clean herself now, we have to force feed her and with a squeezing thingy we are putting water in her mouth to drink. Her eyes have seen to improve after the antibiotics and have cleared up get she still hasn’t opened them. We were told if she doesn’t improve in 48 hours she has to be put down. Hopefully we won’t need to. She’s progressed better than we thought she would so hopefully with my mums and I nursing we just might be able to get her through the first 48 hours, we are wishing big but fingers crossed. I’m sorry to hear that, cancers a bitch :(

Answer #6

Ya. And that is good. What type of hamster is it? Mine was roborovski

Answer #7

mines a syrian

Answer #8

mines a syrian

Answer #9

oops wrote it twice

Answer #10

Sorry to hear this sad story about your hamster, but she might have a virus, or an infection. What was the last thing you fed her? Was she exposed to any chemicals or spoiled things? She could have also contracted parasites. Hope I helped!

Answer #11

its fine now, we took her to the vet this morning and she got put down ): i miss her so much and its hard to believe she’s gone. Thanks for answering anyway (:

Answer #12

I’m getting a new one on Saturday to help me, I might be able to get over it faster if I have a new hamster to care for. :/

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