What's the difference between oral herpes and genital herpes?

im 13 years old an doin a project I need 2 know the diffrence between herpes an genital herpes so if you kan help that b great!


Answer #1

I don’t there really is a differece. I think it’s all herpes. There are various strains (Cold sore strain vs. std strain). Are you thinking what is the difference between herpes and genital warts?

Answer #2

genital herpes is an STD we just got off this topic in health

Answer #3

They are two completely different diseases that are transmitted sexually.

Herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus and has 2 major strains HSV-1 and HSV-2. 1 causes cold sores on your mouth which 80% of the population has and 2 causes genital herpes which looks like the cold sores that you see on peoples lips but on the genitals and anus. They can go vise-versa though.

HPV is a virus with over a hundred strains a few of which cause genital and mouth warts and a few have been found to cause cervical cancer.

More information can be found at http://yourstdhelp.com

Answer #4

Herpes Simplex A is the herpes virus that causes cold sores (like you get on your lips). My doctor told me that most people carry this virus. Genital Herpes appear on your genitals - hence the name. I don’t know how many people have this. These are NOT the exact same virus. Herpes Zoster is chickenpox - all herpes viruses stay in the body and sometimes many years later the Herpes Zoster causes “shingles” a painful blister outbreak. Thats about the extent of my Herpes knowledge. Hope it helps

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