What should I do, I'm going mad


Im 15 and I was with my ex for a year. I truely did love him and still do, he rele doesnt want anything to do with me anymore and I cant stand the thought of him not loving me. Im never happy anymore and I feel like theres not much left for me, I want him back so bad, but I also feel like an idiot because a cuple of weeks after we broke up he asked to have sex with me because he was getting frustrated so it happened a few times, it was hard knowing thats all we resorted to after all that time of being best friends and in love. The only reason I go to have sex with him is because thats the only way I could spend time with him beacause I wasnt ready to let go, I see him all the time and its still as hard as the first day we broke up. I dont know how to get over him and cope its been a month now I shud be atleaast a bit better shudnt I? .. Well I need some advise on how to cope with this. I feel like im gunna go crazy somedays. Help!

Answer #1

In a perfect world, the ideal would be for exes to succeed at being friends, but in one where bitterness, jealousy, passion, and human nature exceed reasoning and rational thought, it’s impossible. So unless the two of you were the best of friends before; both broke up on the same terms in a perfectly mutual breakup; both have no qualms about either of you seeing new people, and have both instilled a total honesty policy, better to leave the friendship behind… along with the memories.

sex with your ex may not be the wisest choice. It is easy to allow a physical attraction to a person to get in the way of good judgment. So how can you mentally say “No” when your body and heart are crying out “Yes”? Try to remember the reasons you decided to break off the relationship with your ex in the first place. Ask yourself if having sex with your EX will open up a “Pandora’s Box” of emotional heartache. Keep focusing on the reasons as to why you ended the relationship and then stick to your guns. Don’t be afraid to tell your ex-partner that you want to keep the relationship non-sexual. Be forewarned however, this may cause them to want you more. If the person cannot accept your wishes then avoid contact with them. By conducting a little self-fidelity, you can protect yourself from being hurt by having “sex with your ex”. And don’t worry, in time you will meet someone new and build the relationship of your dreams!

Answer #2

Well I’d say the first step to getting over him is to stop having sex with him. I mean honestly, you probably have a good connection with him and you really liked him, but guess what? He doesn’t feel the same way and now he’s using you. He’s using you for sex and your just going along with it! And for what? For love? I don’t think so, love is a mutual feeling. Love is between two people and he clearly doesn’t feel it so your just deluding yourself. Now knock of this stupidity and open your eyes to the truth, he doesn’t care for you, he’s using you and your letting it happen. So stop wasting time with that loser and stop wasting everyone on this websites time and accept what you know to be true.

Answer #3

You sound sad, all you really need is a guy who treats you right. I know you wont believe this but your only 15 and this feeling wont last forever a year might seem a long time but in a few years yourl be going “what was that guy called that I dated?” seriously girl dont let him use you like a ragdoll, your not his plaything. hes got a hand doesnt he? you dont need to spend time with him, This might hurt but it sounds like you dont mean anything to him. your younge there are plenty of other boys out there who will treat you right you jsut gotta know where to look for them.

Answer #4

prince is right, he didn’t have to be so harsh about it. But in time your wounds will heal, you’ll find someone else and move on. But that isn’t going to happen if you still talk and have sex with him. If he calls you don’t answer your phone, its that simple. And you will start to feel better because you’d be standing up for yourself. because he will keep using you if you keep putting out. Don’t know a single male who wouldn’t

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