I'm LDS and can't go to the temple.

I’m LDS and can’t go to the temple. Well, here is the thing, today, I had to confess to my Branch President because I’ve sinned. Well, I call these phone lines for adults 18 and older like myself and, allot of these phone lines are for phone sex. I was on one of the phone lines during last week and, I was looking for the guy from Nashville TN, and found his cousin whoes an idiot. He wanted me to have phone sex in order to get this guy from Nashvilles Number. I rolle played for a bit, and needless to say, I ruined it for myself since I was planning on going to the temple on this coming Saturday to do baptisms for the dead. I can’t go until I fully repent and, it’s getting depressing to me. I love the temple but, I don’t feel worthy right now. What should I do to improve myself so, I can go next time? I would greatly appreciate some feedback on how to avoid getting into trouble again.

Answer #1

Okay, call me crazy but I thought a place of worship was where you went to pray and repent to god. In your religion, you can’t go UNTIL you repent and are clean of sin.

I figure that if your religion can baptize the dead, it is okay for you to go to your temple.

Answer #2

He says when you confess your sins (to Jesus) He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins

Answer #3

Definitely pray about it and avoid temptation. I really liked Flossheal’s answer, but I know things are different in LDS. Just take care and talk to someone you trust about it.

Answer #4

Intercession for the dead isn’t that unusual. Didn’t the Book of Macabees talk about it? I know Catholics do it.

Any road, Goodgurl, I don’t know the doctrines of your church on forgiveness but I would think that any God is greater than a church’s rules. Only you know if you are truly sorry for what you did.

Answer #5

Mate, it seems like you have an addiction to phoning these sex lines. The first step would be to admit the problem and maybe talk to someone close to you who will not think differently of you if you tell them.

Just try and convince yourself that its a waste of time, and a waste of money.

Answer #6

I know my beliefs aren’t quite the same as yours, but I believe Jesus died to forgive us and I think you do to. He didn’t die so we could be forgiven WHEN we got clean, He died because we were dirty and COULDN’T get clean! So I believe that if you are taught to avoid worship when you’re sinful then your church is getting the message wrong at that point.

Jesus does say that if you have something against your brother when your bring your gift to the temple you should forget the gift, run to your brother to make it right, and then come back to give your gift! So that does mean God expects some ‘putting things right’ before we come to worship. But He doesn’t expect us to cleanse ourselves completely, because only He can do that. He is more forgiving than you fear.

Now, sins. I’m sure that kind of phone sex stuff is sinful, but so is me getting angry with my kids when we rush to church late, or someone passing a beggar in the street without caring, or someone downloading pirate music or films. All of those sins are things we need to face up to when we go to worship, and even if the rest of your congregation wasn’t involved in phone sex, they do have some kind of unresolved sin in their lives. Don’t think that sexual sin is more dramatic than the boring sins. They all cut us off from God - the others are just less interesting. So don’t get stuck with the idea that sex is more or less sinful than other stuff - all sins do the same thing, which is keep us away from God.

Keeping you away from God? That’s exactly what happened, isn’t it? You need to rush back to Him, not worry about a rule!

And I would seriously avoid the phone lines that may expect you to get involved in phone sex. It’s not clever to stand in the way of temptation and even if you don’t exactly plan to get involved, it’s hard to avoid it if you are there in the first place. Fun Advice seems safer to me!

Answer #7

OK you need to decide because you cannot do both…

… you know you cannot attend the temple and do this other stuff because the two don’t mix and you cannot recommend this phone stuff to anyone who might be considering joining the temple.

By the way… no man or woman can do anything for the dead … remember Jesus’ parable about the Rich Man and Lazarus ?

Answer #8

you don’t need to worry you don’t have to go to the temple to worship God or pray just ask Him no matter where you are to forgive you of your sins, and He will he says when you confess your sins to Him, not a priest or anyone else but to Him He will throw them as far as the east is from the west. only Jesus Christ has the power to forgive you of your sins no priest can take his place. and though it is wrong what you did no sin is too big or too small to take to Christ and you can go to Him any time and just chat it’s not only a spiritual thing it is a personal relationship with Him and He says you are His child He sent His one and only Son to die on the cross to take the blame and take away your sins and Jesus willingly did it. you may want to listen to the song “take me as I am” by Lecrae you can see avideo on youtube. I will be praying for you :) God bless

Answer #9

Baptisms for the dead? Isn’t that kind of… creepy?

Answer #10

funmail me if you want to talk about it…but I don’t think this is the place to discuss something like this.

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