What's A keeper ?

when people talk about relation ship they say your a keeper or a … [I forgot the other word..ya’ll myt knowit] anywaiis what do those words mean and could you give examples please


Answer #1

a keeper is when that special person is the one your gunna keep thats the person you wanna be with it maybe you’ve heard people say “he’s a keeper/shes’s a keeper” meaning basically your gunna stay with him/her ,,or keep him/her hope I helped =]

Answer #2

Well generally a ‘keeper’ is someone who has control over somebody/ something else (“I’m the nerd’s keeper” :D). In other words, it refers to someone in a dominant position. However it does have several other meanings (typically slang really). For example a keeper may be someone that you think you should hold onto (keep) because they may be better relationship material, etc :P. What sentence have you actually heard the term used in?

Answer #3

You are someone they don’t ever want to lose.

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