You Life purpose?

someone else posted this but I think more people should read it because it makes you really think. you might find a answer about yourself you even didnt know

What do you live for? What do you believe in? What do you think is wrong? What do you think the meaning of life is? What do you think of the future? What makes you wake up every morning? What makes you continue living? And what do you believe your life’s purpose is

ps I hope the person that came up with this isnt mad at me for asking people again I just thought you made the perfect question and wanted to help get it out.

Answer #1

What do you live for? for myself achieving my personal goals. What do you believe in? No god, just science. God makes no sense to me. However I do have morals like I wont hurt someone unless they are hitting me first or if I am protecting someone or they say something delibaretly BAD (VERY VERY bad). What do you think is wrong? Killing for ufn/money, same with harm or ripping people off What do you think the meaning of life is? To live What do you think of the future? Whatever will happen, will happen. What makes you wake up every morning? Not being sleeepy or alarm clock What makes you continue living? A dream. Make it become reality. And what do you believe your life’s purpose is? To live. Evolution. To survive. However , might as well make the most of it aye

Answer #2

What do you live for? Myself - Dreams, what ii want to achieve in life and make happen.

What do you believe in? That anything is possible if you try hard enough

What do you think is wrong? How no one is ;looking after the world espesically the animals

What do you think the meaning of life is? To do what believe in by making the dfference

What do you think of the future? Scary… iim worried how we are guting the planet

What makes you wake up every morning? The throught of a new day.

What makes you continue living? ii want to succeed in life and help the animals

And what do you believe your life’s purpose is? Umm, to leave your mark by helping one way or enother

Answer #3

What do you live for? Because I’m not dead yet.

What do you believe in? Anything I have good reason to.

What do you think is wrong? Anything that offends my notion of morality

What do you think the meaning of life is? There is no meaning or purpose, although I do think it’s interesting to learn about how life and the universe came to be.

What do you think of the future? I have no control over it, and I’m OK with that.

What makes you wake up every morning? Usually my alarm clock, sometimes my hangover.

What makes you continue living? My heart continues to pump blood to my brain, and I see no reason to stop it because so far I enjoy life.

And what do you believe your life’s purpose is My purpose is whatever I say it is, which right now is to enjoy as much as possible while doing what I can to help.

Answer #4

What do you live for? No particular reason, I just don’t like the thought of the alternative.

What do you believe in? …as little as possible

What do you think is wrong? Without a doubt, anything that causes me discomfort is wrong.

What do you think the meaning of life is? Nothing. It’s just a bunch of stuff that happens.

What do you think of the future? I can’t wait to get there.

What makes you wake up every morning? Usually, my wife.

What makes you continue living? The thought of another cup of coffee.

And what do you believe your life’s purpose is No purpose really. I just don’t have anything better to do.

Answer #5

What do you live for? *My family

What do you believe in? *God

What do you think is wrong? *Man (Not males; humans) God created such beauty; man destroys it.

What do you think the meaning of life is? *Our life here on Earth is nothing but a test. Will you pass to go to the brighter side?

What do you think of the future? *Exciting. God has so much planned for us, even here on Earth. Example: Family, children, careers, other blessings, ect…

What makes you wake up every morning? *Honestly, the alarm clock and the thought of being late to work.

What makes you continue living? *The thought of the pain my family will feel if I’m gone. This helps me to really take care of myself and make wise choices. Note: lost my Mom 7 years ago.

And what do you believe your life’s purpose is? *To influence the people around me. I’m a patient person.

* Don’t be offended if you don’t believe in God; just fill-out your own answers, will ya?

Answer #6

What do you live for? All My Dreams && Beliefs

What do you believe in? Everything That I Think Is Right

What do you think is wrong? Everything I Consider Wrong

What do you think the meaning of life is? Living It To The Fullest Without Any Regrets && Not Depending On Anyone To Make You Happy

What do you think of the future? Its What Im Gunna Make It

What makes you wake up every morning? Those Who Matter

What makes you continue living? The Fact That Im To Beautiful To Let Anyone Bring Me Down && That One Day Im Gunna Have Everything I Want,Need && Desirve

And what do you believe your life’s purpose is: Life Is Your Story Your The Only Who Can Make It && Control It Noone Else Just You.

Answer #7

A Golden Rule:

Here, my friend, to you I give, The Golden Rule by which I live:

To lead my life in my own way, Doing the things I choose today; Striving for goals that I alone set, Enjoying peace and happiness – by my standards yet.

But in all those things, whatever I do, Never shall it be at the expense of you.

  We should be in Harmony

If you’re in my here and now, Then it is certainly meant to be; That for this moment, at this time, We should be in Harmony.

Why? You ask. What is the reason? That “fate” has brought us near; Well, the only way we’re going to know, Is by listening - until we hear.

The purpose may be for you, Or maybe even me; Or maybe even someone else, Whom we may not yet see.

But our meeting which brings together, A fruition of our being; Is meant to be of benefit, In helping someone else to seeing.

For we all are our brothers’ keepers, Enlightening and guiding their way; As we strive to fulfill our charge, To gather back together - Whole someday.

But grant to each their individuality, Their right to choose their path alone; For though the roads may twist and turn, All roads eventually do lead Home!

Those whom I meet

Those whom I meet, as Friends I greet, And as a Friend I treat them so; That when in need, or sadly grieved, I may help their Spirits grow.

For unto this world, as a shepherd I came, With a Life that’s not my own; And a purpose plain, that’s not for fame, But to help my friends get home.

So when I hear, upon my ear, The sounds of troubled Souls; I can do no less, then to do my best, To help them toward their goals.

And I know I’ll find, with the passage of time, That I’ve helped their Spirits grow some; And though appreciated, thanks aren’t awaited, For my friends are always welcome.

  I choose

I chose to be born, – to live or die, Even the sex, that would be I; I chose the race, from which to appear, Also my wealth, my health and my fear.

I chose my trials and stumbling blocks, And the legs I would use, in all of those walks; I chose my sadness, my joy and my love, I chose to serve and not be above.

I chose this life – with all of its dues, And with each dawn, again I choose; The experiences for me that wait ahead, To be alive, or be claimed dead.

And of the future lives I’ve yet, It is my choice that I begat; All the things, however pleasin’, That shall befall me in those seasons.

  Welcome to Fun Advice!

        Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

Answer #8

What do you live for? - make the world better

What do you believe in? - God, morality, sin, tolerance, diversity, science (YES)

What do you think is wrong? - murder, theft, disloyalty (to your spouse or girl/boyfriend, hypocrisy, racial and sexual discrimination

What do you think the meaning of life is? - contribute to advancing the world :P

What do you think of the future? - its up to us to make it better

What makes you wake up every morning? - alarm clock, or unsleepiness

What makes you continue living? - my dream of living a simple but fulfilling life, and to get the hell out of my screwed up autocratic country

And what do you believe your life’s purpose is - to make the world better and happier in general, even if its only a bit

Answer #9

What do you live for? I live to educate myself. educate others as best I can

What do you believe in? I believe in the individual and his contribution to the whole

What do you think is wrong? I don’t beleive anything is wrong. Just personally and socially unacceptable

What do you think the meaning of life is? The meaning of life is whatever an individual believes it to be

What do you think of the future? I dont believe in the future. Just infinite–of the concept thereof– possibilities

What makes you wake up every morning? I dont wake till evening or night ;)

What makes you continue living? MY natural desire to be educated.

And what do you believe your life’s purpose is I have offered my thoughts on this before. But, a person could decide to use his time alive to better his and the lives of those in the society in which he may or may not live, call it a purpose if you will, but that is the best anyone can offer in life, isnt it? Their self. And that is what I intend to offer. My self

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