What makes a good leader?

7 Qualities of a Good Leader

  1. A good head to be able to evaluate the quality of ideas and suggestions presented to him.

  2. A good heart to be able to be compassionate and fair with the people.

  3. A good spirit to be able to hear the voice of God. Some paths God will lead you down don’t make head and heart sense at the time.

  4. A good eye to be able to see things other people cannot.

  5. A good tongue to be able to communicate the vision to the people and motivate them to follow.

  6. A good hand to be able to do the things that need to be done. Knowing the right way is not the same as doing it.

  7. A good foot to set an example for the people. A minor flaw can outshine a major mission in the eyes of small minds.

Who do you think qualifies for this McCain or Obama? or better yet do you know anyone like this?

Answer #1

a good leader really has nothing to do with religion but either way a good leader must be able to take the credit when things go good and the blame when they go bad

Answer #2

“A good spirit to be able to hear the voice of God.”

I am highly suspicious of any leader who hears voices, especially one who claims to hear the voice of God.

Answer #3

“3. A good spirit to be able to hear the voice of God. Some paths God will lead you down don’t make head and heart sense at the time.”

Are you suggesting an athiest can’t make a good leader?

Obama hands down fits more of these than McCain.

Answer #4

McCain and Palin.

        Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

Answer #5

LOL @ religionisgood :)

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