What it's up whit her!?

My step mom is all being mean to me and telling me that I wont take my dad away from her! I’m like I’m not traing to! but she has been treating me so badly! I just dont know what is up whit her and my dad is like trating her like a baby and giving her stuf so I’m like really confused! What iz up whit her?

Answer #1

I’ve been in the position, and it really sucks. first off, about few years ago, my dad married this horrible woman, her and my dad had a kid, but then she spoiled her own kid, and was really mean to me and my bro and sis, even worse, she used to physically abuse my little sister. it went on like this for about 4 years or so, and I used to be a tomboy, I hated wearing girly clothes and would wear baggy jeans and stuff, so she would FORCE me to wear my hair up all nice, which I absolutely hated. so alll this went on, and finally I told my auntie, who got realy pissed off at her and told my dad. when my stepmom went to her family’s for the weekend my dad was talked to us kids and asked why we didnt tell him earlier, the reason why we didnt was cause we were scared of her. so then they had a bad divorce and my dad met someone new, and now this new stepmom is waaay better, but has a really bad temper, and makes me feel bad about myself.. so I guess I could deal with her, at least until I turn 18 and move out lol. but yeah, wow, sorry for telling you my story lol. but yeah, definitly tell your dad, and DEFINITELY phone the police if she hurts you. or tell someone you can trust, like, a aunt or uncle. sorry if my advice was crap lol

Answer #2

you should record a video of how your stepmom acts like around you. then, show it to your dad

Answer #3

tell her to F off, And tell your dad that she is being a major b@#%$ to you.

Answer #4

this is what id do…

id go to my dad while his missus is in the room and id say

dad we need to talk, your wife is treating me really badly (this will show her your strong and arent affraid)

then id tell my dad (while she sits there with a glum look on her face) about all the horrible things she has done

if she lays 1 finger on you call the police

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