What is the best excercise to lose weight for women over 40?

What is the best excercise to lose weight for women over 40?

Answer #1

if your not into working out yet you need to start of small. do sit ups during a commercial. try to do a push up, if you can then you are of to a great start if not try doing one on your knees, if that’s too hard then do them against the wall and work your way to doing a full floor push up :)

if you can do the knee or full push up, try to hold yourself in the ‘up’ position for 60 seconds, do three reps of 60 seconds with breaks in between, that is a GREAT yet small and simple work out.

also if you feel like joining something that’s also great, such as yoga, if your a bit more adventurous try martial arts or tai chi( a slower for of martial arts that is very peaceful yet gives you a good workout)

these are all very simple work outs and I’m not sure if they will help but if you ccan’t make it to the gym or you can afford it try them :)

good luck!

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