scaredy cat

I luv scary stuff but when I want to go to slepp even if I didnt watch something scary I am afraid of ghosts and such what do I do

Answer #1

This will sound silly, but buy a night light! Honestly, I’m fifteen and I have a small night light in my room, and it helps me feel less scared at night, since I can see everything in the room and it’s not dark. Also try saying a prayer before bed. Thank God for the day, just talk to him about anything you’re afraid of, and ask Him to protect you. Also try to read a familiar and favourite book before bed or listen to your iPod. Good luck and God bless!

Answer #2

I’m totally like that. im almost 17 and I have always been like that. usually I turn on some music and listen to that and just think about other stuff. or a tv. turn that on but really low and it helps for the noises you cant explain… like the house creaking or something.

Answer #3

Ghosts are not physical and therefore no physical weapons will help against them or the fear of them.

  1. First I suggest you stop watching scary stuff. When you know that you fear it why do you want to invite more fear into your life?

  2. Then read the bible. That will give you an understanding about God and the evil forces acting us.

  3. Finally make a prayer before you sleep. By praying you will get closer to God and you will know protecting and comforting power.

God bless you

Answer #4




Answer #5

im like that I cant stop watching scary movies and stuff because there awesome but I getr sooo scared…so what I do is I turn on my tv and put volume REALLY low so my parents dont get pissed and I listen to my zune

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