Ouiji boards SCARY!!!

My friend and I found this website and made one we were FREAKED out there was this dude named Dany who died in a fire in 1945 he gave us all this info he had blond hair and green eyes he moved on the mad face we had and I asked why he was mad he said he was stuck hear I asked were he said basement. My friend didn’t know we had a basement and I WASN’T MOVING IT!!! Cananyone explain this because I will not go in my basement alone again!!! And I wanted him him to have blue eyes so I don’t think I was moving it without knowing!

Answer #1

Ouija boards have to be confirmed by gutting a chicken and reading their entrails

I literally laughed out loud… :)


Answer #2

Let me check with Dany real quick…(goes and fiddles with a Ouija board)…

Ok, Dany tells me you live in an area of the country where basement’s are common, and your friend probably just assumed you had one. He also said he’s hungry, and wants you to throw a Big Mac down the stairs to him.

Answer #3

Regardless of popular opinion, that does not believe in a spirit world, there are those of us who do, and there are many who have delved into the Ouiiji board, who have gotten caught in a whirlwind, they did not plan on.

Spirits are real, and they can act and react.

The bible tellls us to have nothing to do with any of them, except for the Holy Spirit, because he has your best interest at heart, and other spirits have their own agenda.

Best to burn the board, and renounce having anything to do with it.

I know one grown man, who thought it was all a hoax, until he experienced the supernatural thru the board. He will not go near one now.

The board has ties to the occult, and that is why it does have power, thru the spirits that inhabit it.

Answer #4

You shouldn’t be playing with the boards unless you know how to properly handle. Who knows what may be unleashed. If it is a spirit trapped in your house, I suggiest you go to see for yourself to be sure. There are ways to release it. Perhaps it will tell you? If not try seeking someone who knows how to release the sprirt. Find out the houses history, that should give you more insight.

Answer #5

they’re not toys & shouldn’t be treated like such if you dabble in things of the occult, expect the consequences

& really I’ld have to agree with bimjob & toadaly. How can you be sur eyou’re friend wasn’t the one moving it? & A lot of 13 yearolds to tend to scare themselves half to death. There’ve been reported cases of people literally scaring themselves to death. Most in the age range of teenagers if I recall correctly.

If it is something though You will have to go down into the basement & check it out for yourself to make sure.

Answer #6

Ouija boards have to be confirmed by gutting a chicken and reading their entrails.

Really? Ouija boards? They are bogus. that pointer thing is moved by either: 1.) Someone guiding it to play with your mind, or 2.) involuntary muscle movements combined with the human brain that tries to see patterns - in this case words that make some sort of sense.

I know that I won’t convince you, so - Oh well! Enjoy. Your 13 and most 13 yo like to scare themselves, so have fun. and as always, Good Luck!!

Answer #7

oujia boards are bs. I believe in spirits but I dont believe in oujia boards, it is a a sleepover game and you shouldnt take it seriously.

Answer #8

quiji are not to be messed with they will unleash demons into your home I have learned this im am part wicken and ya si was the only one doing the quiji board my hands werent even on it but hovering over it and I asked a question on what a spirits name was and it pointed to the letter S.E.A.N

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