What is eye foot coordination?

What is eye foot coordination? I have searched EVERYWHERE for a defination and there is not a single thing anywhere explaning what it means, it’s all about how to improve eye foot coordinaton through soccer and stuff. What is the defination?

Answer #1

Start the applauses please, Fruity to the rescue ;) hehehe…

I cheated, found the definition of Foot, Eye Coordination for you:

—Foot-eye co-ordination – the ability to execute actions with the feet, guided by the eyes. —

Reference: http://www.shirleys-preschool-activities.com/fine-motor-skills.html

P.S. I found the definition by typing the words and the ‘plus’ symbols into the google seach boxie : eye + foot + cordination

Answer #2

You are a pisshead clawjaw, she ask for the definition not the effects of lacking eye, foot cordinations.

This Aussie chicky babe can out drink you under the table Pommie lad ;) …Let’s begin with the good ole pint of guinness or redback…I insist it is your shout. Be prepare to ‘rob’ a bank kiddo, this is one thirsty camel here.

Answer #3

its the connection from your eyes to your feet, in response to your movement and reactions, or even reflexes. someone who has poor foot-eye co-ordination may be more likely to trip over their feet, or be worse with sports.

Answer #4

ever tripped up? when you did you lacked eye foot coordination

I lack it when im pissed lol (thats drunk fyi)

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