what counts as abuse?

My brother has anger issues, and since we were little we have fought constently. But he hurt me a lot, even if I didnt do anything. I mean he tried to drownd me a few times and dug his nails in my skin and we just plain out had physical fights. I know siblings fight so is this normal or abusive?

Answer #1

tell him how you feel and if that doesnt work then start telling people who can help

Answer #2

Trying to actually kill by drowning you is NOT normal sibling stuff you should talk to someone about it

Answer #3

yeah, well he doesnt try to hurt me anymore. but when I was little he did this stuff to me, but I remember it clearly. I told my mom about it, but she thinks he is just playing around and just being a brother. but yea.

Answer #4

Drowning? That’s a huge problem. Seek help.

Answer #5

Siblings having little “tiffs” is normal…when it gets physical, it becomes assault and he can be criminally charged.

Answer #6

I dont think its normal but me and my twin bro have the same fights and I work out and im wayyy stronger than him but hes litteraly 2 times my weight 179, 365… so I basically have to fight him for 5 minutes striaight to get rid of all his energy or run… he stractches too and uses weapons, for instance one time he threw a can at me and it just missed my head…

anyways I think both of our brothers need some kind of help no offence

Answer #7

ha yea. my brother is huge compared to me. but yeah I beat him playing nintindo 64 and he threw the controller at my head.

Answer #8

he is trying to kill you if he has tried drowning you I think the next time he does this you shud call the police and press charges if you dont he may end up hurting you really bad and may kill you so pls take up for urself by doing something other then fighting back…goood luck

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