How can I cope with a having a mid life crisis at 20?

Only 20 and already having a mid life crisis. The economy sucks worse than a vacuum and I can’t get a f*cking job. I already have about 10 strands of gray hair. My hands look like that of a crones. Stressed out may @ss. Not to mention the pressure exerted on my neck vertebras are off the charts, it’s getting harder and harder for me to relax, my jaw and neck are almost always tense, even while I’m trying to sleep, but I don’t have any money to see a doctor to see what I have to do to take care of it. Oh, and my left shoulder has been numb for the past 3 months(if not longer), before it became numb I’ld get a burning sensation in it.

I’m becoming easily agitated because I’m constantly stressed because I can’t relax! Anyone have any tips or advice here that may help me out???

Answer #1

Darnit, that changed the name on me!!!

Answer #2

well to get a job work on your resume your resume is what gets you the job your appearance and the way you answer questions in an interveiw are what lands you the job include skills your good at and any past work expirience that might relate to the job dont include anything that doesnt relate to the job, they dont want to hear it you need money to see a dcotor, so work on your resume also dress appropriatly for the job when you get an interveiw look interetsed, body language is important, dont fiddle dont wear sunnies or hats in the interveiw as for your health, you need to see a doctor one reason for your arm feeling numb could be if your bra straps are too tight also a good idea might be to get a massage, which can make you relaxed and less tense you could also try having a relaxing candle lit bath, no metal music in the background, just nice and quite and you could relax, think, read ect

Answer #3

Been doing all that for jobs, though it seems I’m on the bottom pick of the litter. Unfortunately I don’t have much job experience. A lot of places right now aren’t hiring either. I might try Hooters though XD

And I detest baths. The water is still, and it like marinating in your own filth(bit OCD), but I’ll give it a go. Or perhaps, do you think swimming in a pool might help?

I’ll try listening to more calming music(I seemed to of hit a phase in which I’ve been listening to nothing but industrial or symphonic). I’ll dig through my CD’s tonight.

Do you think wearing a strapless corset would help if to tight of a bra strap is the problem? The numbness in the back of my shoulder close to the pit.

Thanks for your tips ^_^ Much appreciated!

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