What is johova fitness?

What is johova fitness?

Answer #1

Confused… above says “reigning king”. How can Jesus be king and God be King of His Kingdom? There is only one King of all and His name is Jesus, Our Lord God and The Holy Spirit in One. The JW’s believe that there are three separate individuals. The watchtower and awake are man’s misleading guides, that are far from truth. Ask a JW how to get to heaven and the answer is follow all the commandments. Where is Jesus in the picture? He has atoned for all by redeeming each one of us. For it is by grace we have been saved by faith as a free gift from God, that no man should boast. By grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.

Answer #2

It’s Jehovah’s wittness I am sure is what you are trying to say.. Though most may not believe what the bible says, they do. So respect it as we respect you and your beliefs, please. Though we may go to your door and in your opinion “annoy you” all we are trying to do is do what we are told in the bible. Not to offend you or convert you. Just help you understand more of the bible. That is all. And if you don’t want to know then all you have to say is “No Thank You” and we leave. Simple right? I think it is a lot better than ignoring or yelling obscene things. That is quite disrepectful.

Answer #3

I think you are making fun of Jehovah Witness… and you ought not…

Anyone that is trying to serve God, in what ever capacity, ought to be respected.

Answer #4

Jehovah’s Witness are a reformation church who “went back to basics” when he founders were dissatisfied with the churches of the day. They take the bible literally, believe the second coming has already occurred invisibly, and refuse to accept transfusions as blood is sacred and the bible forbids “eating” it. I have a video on them here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3102OuSQMMQ

Answer #5

Respect is earned.

This cult group interprets a 2,000 old book to mean “transfusion” when it says “eat”, and their followers die due to some superstition about blood being sacred to god.

I respect it as much as I belief pork is unclean, or I should face Mecca when I pray, or I should not work on the Sabbath, or women should cover their heads so god isn’t offended, or Joseph Smith decoded some golden tablets with the help of two angels and a magic crystal, or the dreamtime snake created the mountains, or body thetans are the root of all evil. That is - not at all.

Answer #6

ok first of all people think that they know what this is. I am a JEHOVAHS WITtNESS. we are not a cult group like many people think or a reformation or a root to evil. we are true christains and follow bible standards. if you look at them maby at the mall you see what? well dressed people with watchtowers or awakes in their hand preaching the good news of jehovahs kingdom? most likely right? or knocking on peoples doors only wanting to give people the truth. Jehovah is gods name(psalms 83:18) and jesus is his son the reining king.

Answer #7

Toadaly, I really, really hope you’re right. Christian keep fit with a sense of humour… what next?!?

Answer #8

It’s a work out routine done to Gospel music, sort of like Jazzersize.

Answer #9

Yea… its Jehovah’s Witness…I have never heard of Johova fitness sorry

Answer #10


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