I know but do you?

where does the bing bang theory, the theory of evolution, the gaia theory and christianity all fit together?

Answer #1

He whatisbam, I am a blonde and I do not know it either!! Good for us!

Answer #2

No one was there when either happened. so there is no proof of any of them. faith is what it takes to believe creationism for some people. But for some reason people believe scientists when they say something happens even though they weren’t there either. so you have to have faith in something I suppose whether it be God or a scientist.

Answer #3

The first two are valid scientific theories. The last two are nonsense,

Answer #4

They all fit together, because they’re all THEORIES.

Answer #5

I dont know what the theory of evalution and the gaia theory is but I do know what the big bang and I know its not true. but know I do not know how it all fits together I mean I sort of know. (hey im only a 13 year old girl you cant expect us blonds to know much) lol

Answer #6

because they all started somewhere, some time ago… I think you mean Christianity as in the belief in Creationism?

Aside form all being theories, they all had to start somewhere, and Christians, and most religions, think that God (in whatever form or name they call him/ her/ it) was the instigator.

Answer #7

well to elaborate the question it is all kind of explains itself. They’re all connected in some way, so please! I’m looking for an intelligent answer. Think of it as a puzzle and give me a good answer?

Answer #8

The Bible plainly states that it is the fool who denies the existence of God. Psalms. 14:1, “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.”

Some men are so blind that they may deny the existence of the sun in the sky but that does not alter the fact that the sun exists, rises and sets each day. None are so blind as those who refuse to see. The honest man will find that the inner still small voice says that God exists and is alive today.

Men deny the existence of God not because they cannot find Him but because they are afraid to face the responsibility of being accountable to Him alter death.

To look up and see a plane and not see the pilot and say that the plane is pilotless is as ridiculous as looking into the heavens and saying that there is no God simply because we cannot see Him.

Few of us have ever seen our brains, yet we believe that we possess them because of a centralized control system in the body. Because we see creation, we believe in God.

Atheism which is only giant doubt and unbelief can only lead to darkness and despair for the one accepting it.

Acceptance of Gen. 1:1, “In the beginning God,” leads a sincere seeker into the path of a fuller revelation of God Himself.

Heb. 11:6, “He that cometh to God must believe that He Is [exists).”

Let us come as children in simple faith, based on the revelation of God in Scripture and nature, believing and trusting Him completely.

Answer #9

Okay… advicegal… you don’t understand so just go away! I’m a christian… I do not deny God for he is in my heart… I believe in his only son… But people as a mass push away anything that threatens there fragile mind to think, or look outside of the box… just like you advicegal. But Dannyt gets the picture, way to go man! He can look at all of these things with an open-mind prospective… and he actually told me a few things I didn’t know about charles darwin. If we could all get Christianity out of our head as a never broken cultic RELIGION. and just accept the fact that it is a belief, a belief to learn and understand. but because of the RELIGION some people deny even the mere fact that dinosaurs existed… ??? and on and on and even more ridiculous stuff… So Dannyt you win the outside-of-the-box award… congrats!

Answer #10

If you don’t want answers from people who can express their views as they please then you shouldn’t ask questions. The freedom of this site is you ask a question and people tell you what they think, whatever it might be. IF you don’t like that then this is not the site for you. face the FACTS cause thats what they are. I never once told you that you were a non believer. I was simply enlightening others of what exactly the bible says. If you have some problem with that then that is your own personal issue.

Yes you can say you have an open mind. but the bible also CLEARLY states in Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.


it is what it is.

Think of it what you will for that is the free will the lord gives us.

Answer #11

“No one was there when either happened. so there is no proof of any of them. faith is what it takes to believe creationism for some people. But for some reason people believe scientists when they say something happens even though they weren’t there either. so you have to have faith in something I suppose whether it be God or a scientist. “

Ok, there is no proof that god exists, or that any of those “prophets” talked with him. Faith is what it takes to believe in utter nonsense like, well, existence of god. People believe scinetists because they have facts backing up their statements. Proof. They run tests, compare, analyze etc What christians do is just beliieeeve~ Like advicegal said “LEAN NOT ON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING.” is what you people do. And you clearly have no idea about what science is…

Answer #12

*Some men are so blind that they may deny the existence of the sun in the sky but that does not alter the fact that the sun exists, rises and sets each day.

The sun produces light and heat, which can be seen and felt. Does God produce light and heat? NO. Can God be perceived by ANY of the 5 senses? NO.

Find a better analogy… Christians only seem to have 4-5, and are ALL easily debunked.

None are so blind as those who refuse to see. The honest man will find that the inner still small voice says that God exists and is alive today. Men deny the existence of God not because they cannot find Him but because they are afraid to face the responsibility of being accountable to Him alter death.

Those are just excuses made-up by Christians to make themselves feel superior to others. By saying those things, you are calling ALL people who don’t believe in your god, to be liars and cowards. That is a HIGHLY inaccurate generalization… which makes you WRONG by default.

To look up and see a plane and not see the pilot and say that the plane is pilotless is as ridiculous as looking into the heavens and saying that there is no God simply because we cannot see Him.

A plane is a MAN-MADE object, and there ARE unmanned aircraft…

Again… find a better analogy…

Few of us have ever seen our brains, yet we believe that we possess them because of a centralized control system in the body. Because we see creation, we believe in God.

We KNOW we possess them, they’ve been PROVEN to exist, otherwise BRAIN SURGEONS wouldn’t have jobs. If you want to see your brain… get a MRI.

Can you see GOD with an MRI? NO. And why do you keep defaulting to SIGHT? You can’t perceive God with ANY of your senses. Which means you don’t KNOW he exists. You simply BELIEVE.

For the last time… FIND… BETTER… ANALOGIES…

Answer #13

Captain assassin.

I’m not here to change the world. or fight with people . But if I can in some way, . Change someone’s life. Give hope to the hopeless. You better believe I will try.

For you to say that people cannot sense God is from your own opinion. I cannot speak for other believers- I myself have felt the grace of God. I have heard him speak to me. And I have Seen miracles.

If you read carefully and slowly and like so many of you people say OPEN your mind… you will see that I was not stating the sun does not shine or produce heat. Or that it does not exist. But that some are so ignorant to see.

A little lesson : Whenever we explain or communicate a concept by likening it to something else, we are using a metaphor.

Thats simply what these are. Metaphors!

If you knew or know the bible you would know that Jesus came to earth and he did exist. He was also God’s son.

Its as if you are trying to Tell me that Benjamin Franklin did not exist. Many have never seen him. They believe he existed because of stories and books. but who have REAL proof he existed? From the Words of your own post.. You simply BELIEVE.

Now you can give me many things that can say he existed but I can promise you that I can do the SAME with Jesus.

You call me a liar and a coward by telling me my God is not real. which makes you WRONG by default.

I will pray for you. As I will all of you who read this.

I pray one day you will feel the joy that I feel.

Answer #14

For you to say that people cannot sense God is from your own opinion.

No… I said you cannot perceive God with your 5 senses; which is a FACT …pay attention…

I myself have felt the grace of God. I have heard him speak to me. And I have Seen miracles.

Felt… but not touched… speak… but without sound… seen miracles… but not the one responsible. Any of which can be interpretted by a person of another faith, as THEIR deity; all of which are just as likely/unlikely to exist as your god, and all of which are just as provable/unprovable.

If you read carefully and slowly and like so many of you people say OPEN your mind… you will see that I was not stating the sun does not shine or produce heat. Or that it does not exist. But that some are so ignorant to see.

You made a poor analogy… PERIOD.

Whenever we explain or communicate a concept by likening it to something else, we are using a metaphor. Thats simply what these are. Metaphors!

No kidding… and you need better ones… or… try some ORIGINAL ones…

If you knew or know the bible you would know that Jesus came to earth and he did exist. He was also God’s son.

I DO know the Bible… better than most of the Christians on this site. But knowing what is IN the Bible, doesn’t mean everything in it is TRUE.

Its as if you are trying to Tell me that Benjamin Franklin did not exist.

Maybe you’re confused, because there’s NO comparison between Ben Franklin (famous U.S. historical figure) …and GOD (famous god).

Now you can give me many things that can say he existed but I can promise you that I can do the SAME with Jesus.

I never said Jesus didn’t exist. What you CANNOT prove (and therefor do not KNOW) is that he was/is the son of God, like the Bible claims. Pay attention. I was NEVER talking about Jesus of Nazareth.

You call me a liar and a coward by telling me my God is not real. which makes you WRONG by default.

WRONG again. I NEVER said God is not real, nor do I claim that God is not real.

You aren’t representing your faith very well… slander… false accusations… that’s kind of cliche.

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