Is my Shih-Tzu OK?

my dog has been vomiting since 6pm clear foamy liquid. she got into my potpouri yeaterday afternoon.

Answer #1

she probably has poisoning.. my dog ate something and was throwing up for about two days, but now he is fine. He was also throwing up the foamy clear liquid. However, if its severe poisoning, take her to a vet!

Answer #2

I think that you can give her a benedrill but only like a third of one. then call your vet or a vetenary clinic and ask them what you should do if the vomiting doesnt stop.

Answer #3

Call poison control, they can advise you best depending on the type of potpourri.

If it was the oil potpourri then you need to get her to a vet ASAP as it’s very toxic. If it was the dry potpourri (perfumed/dried flowers and such) then try to give her plain yogurt. It will help settle her stomach.

xox Sika

Answer #4

shes puking up acid. So if she ate anything then it would look different! so since there is nothing in her stomach that what she’s puking up!! )it has nothing to do with your potouri)

Answer #5

Her body knows that it is no good for her so it is trying to get it out of her. It’s good that she is puking up rather than keeping the harmful substances inside her. Try and get her to drink lots of water.

Answer #6

then thats probably why shes doing it…she pobably cant digest the dead flowers properly or somthing…or maybe hates the taste and wants to get rid of them

Answer #7

Hold the benedryl…that’s for allergies, and you could make her sicker…A dog who pukes over and over…down to where it’s only stomach acid and whatever water they might take in, is having a TOXIC reaction…to something, maybe not the poupouri…but you don’t know.

Take her to the vet…ALONG WITH the suspected cause (the poupouri), so the vet can determine what the best action, or medicine needs to be administered…

Most of the time things get ate, puked up, and that’s the end of it…repeated vomiting needs a professional opinion.


Answer #8

Take her to the Vet. In this case we don’t know what is in the potpori.

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