What do you think are the top 10 questions asked on FunAdvice?

Here’s my list (includes variations of, in no particular order):

Am I pregnant? Does he like me? Where/how can I get a job at 14? Why does my mom hate me? How can I lose weight fast? Where can I find scene/emo clothes online? Why don’t people use Google to get their answers? Can I move out at 17? What’s your favourite song by [artist]? How can I convince my parents to let me have a pet/cellphone/piercing

Answer #1

wow yours pretty much sums it up.

Answer #2

i couldnt have written a better list myself hehe

Answer #3
  1. something about kids being stubborn
  2. Something about I don’t like that person/ that person doesn’t like me
  3. how do you feel about_?
  4. What’s your favorite _?
  5. Something about gaining/ losing weight.
  6. Something about homework or trying to get someone to answer a homework question
  7. Something about I like that person/ does that person like me
  8. some kind of website so look at to find merchandise.
  9. Am i pregnant?
  10. How do i get my parent let me do/have something they don’t want me to do/have
Answer #4

pregnancy mostly by 13year olds. moving out by13year olds,and emm fashion.

Answer #5

Colleen you smart cookie!

Answer #6

Your list was great! But I think “How can I make my boobs bigger” might need to go on there -.-

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