
Ok, so. My boyfriend and I have been dating for just a little under a year, and I know without a shadow of doubt that he is The One.
Recently, we’ve been talking about getting married and I was just wondering how long we should wait, like, should we wait til we’re both out of school or wait til a certain age or what? Oh btw-I’m 19 he’s 20

Answer #1

No need to get married really. I mean y’all can get engaged and just get married when y’all are both ready to I guess. But if y’all really love each other y’all should be able to stay together without tying yourselves down.

Answer #2

I think that love deserves time to grow… so maybe you should wait a little longer? it’s completely up to the both of you though. Just make sure you both are able to support yourselves first. Marriage is just a piece of paper, you don’t need it to prove how much you love someone :)

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