when to pop the question?

ok well this is my 2nd post on this website. i guess you can say this is like a post of whats been going on since the last time i typed stuff here. so last time my problem was that there was a girl that i liked but wasnt sure if i should ask her out or whatever and that was before school started. well now we are well into our 2nd week of school and things couldnt be going better. unlike last year we’ve been talking alot more and it feels nice sinces its her talking to me, not the other way around.i know i cant rush things like this but im kind of on a timeline. homecoming is in a month and i must use that time to get to know her better, get her to know me better, ask her to homecoming and hope that shes over her ex enough to go out with other people. my friends have all been telling me that i should ask but i dont want to rush things. in homeroom tyler said that he heard my friend and the girl i like talking…when she said that i wasnt going to homecoming the girl i liked was shocked and like she looked liked she missed out on somthing then my friend said..well he might..and she was happy again..i mean i dont know if that means anything and since i wasnt even there i cant tell.

say say she does go with me to homecoming..does that mean ask her out right afer?..im not sure about these things..i guess now im asking should i ask her to homecoming, do these signs my friends and i see mean that she likes me enough to date.

thanks for the advice

smallnshort247@yahoo.com <–for anymore backup info on how things go.

Answer #1

Just ask her if she’s going, if she says she’s thinking about it or no then tell her you were thinking about going and you’d love to go with her (or have her go with you). If it’s just a friendhsip thing then tell her you’d love to go with a friend, someone you know, that way you both get to go out and have a good time and you know someone who’s there.

Answer #2

Pop the question? Do you want to marry her or what? Wait, no, just go out with her? Man, the smoother, the better. E.g.: Would you like to hang out sometime?, I am going to the gym, wanna join me? Come on, do you want to be fluffy your whole life? :) I hope you’ve got the picture. I can smell a wuss, get yourself together!

Answer #3

ok in this next month talk to this girl more…flirt with her and stuff…then like a couple weeks before homecomming ask her if she has a date and if she would like to go with you…if everything is all good from there then after the dance find out if she can do something like hang out a while after….when she goes home ask her if she wants to hang out again cuz you had an amazing time with her…then prolly that next time you hang out maybe tell her how you feel!

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