What are your thoughts on God?

I don’t get how a person could love something so much without ever seeing it or without knowing its there. I don’t even think i could love a seeable touchable person as much as some people love God…

Answer #1

i think that god is as said on t.v. and i reccomend you attend church if you dont already

Answer #2

I go to a catholic school where i pray 10 times a day and get read the bible and i have to go to church twice a week.

Answer #3

thats good

Answer #4

I thank him every time I unwrap a peanut butter cup.

Answer #5

When someone can not get trust and comfort from people around them, they tend to search “something” inside themselves. As they were taught about GOD in their religion when they were small, maybe that “GOD” is the answer for their question.

Answer #6

someone to go to for help or then your lost. Like a friend that’s close but not close enough to see other then in our hearts, I see God as another person really I don’t think his any different from us it just his high up then us and no longer around his a listener not a talker just someone you can look up to when you sad, angry or even scared, He may not always be able to help us but at least his there.

Answer #7

yeah but its all forced and if you question anything they do it’s like your deemed devil child.

Answer #8

Yeahh, I pretty much agree with you. I really would like to “love” him the way some people say they do, but it’s hard. Andd honestly at this point, I’m not fully convinced there even IS a God.

Answer #9

I was reading a discussion among Jewish rabbis and the question came up whether it was more important to love God or to fear God. Their conclusion was that it was more important to fear him. The God of Christianity seems like a terrorist to me. He uses the threat of eternal torture to coerce believers into believing in him. I’m not sure how the thought of a being that could torture you, family members, or friends for eternity is comforting to believers.

Answer #10

Nothing is greater than God. =)

Answer #11

I completely agree with your opinion. Frankly I think God is just humans way of convincing themselves that something loves them and that they’re not alone when in reality they are completely, utterly by themselves. It’s sort of a comfort thing. Personally I’d rather believe in myself and the people I love than some guy I’ve never seen. But God’s nice and all…for entertainment purposes.

Answer #12

I can think of several things.

Answer #13

Name em.

Answer #14

The love that we feel for the people we care about here on earth, for example. By greater I’m assuming you mean important, and what could be more important than that?

Answer #15

Wow that came out upsettingly sappy, lol.

Answer #16

God made love, by default God is the creator of love and how would you define love? a sexual thing or wanting the best for someone? and on what grounds is this consistent with your worldview?

Answer #17

You see this is why I can’t have a discussion about these things with people- because god made EVERYTHING and therefore god IS everything in your opinion…and that’s your default argument for everything that’ll come out of my mouth. God made humans- humans discovered love. I define love as caring about someone and yes, wanting the best for them. And what do you mean, on what grounds is that consistent?

Answer #18

HAha. Typical. Your the one who assumed God made everything by answering the question. Also what I meant by saying on what grounds is this consistent is, is your believes consistent with that definition of love.

Answer #19

Actually the hundreds of Christians and Catholics that I’ve talked to before assumed that hun, not me. And how can my beliefs be consistent with wanting the best for someone and caring about them? Yes, I do want the best for the people I care about, if that’s what you’re asking. I don’t want the best for everyone though, because I don’t care about them. Still not quite sure I understand.

Answer #20

i believe in him. i thank him for all the things we have in this world.

Answer #21

Hun? The huns died out in the late 9th century I think so how am I a hun? Well this is an rare occasion I guess. So if your beliefs are not consistent with what you believe to be love then why do you believe love to be that? Im very sorry in advance but writting does not flow. Also I responded bit by bit. So I probably will not understand the context fully.

Answer #22

I’m really not understanding lol. My beliefs are hardly ever consistent with my actions, but I don’t see how my beliefs aren’t consistent with what I believe love to be. Are you saying I should love everyone?

Answer #23

Well Im not saying that but from my point of view I do believe that you should love everyone, but really that was not the point I was trying to make, my point was that if your beliefs are unconsistent with the given opinion then its illogically to have that viewpoint with that believe. Do I have to offer an example?

Answer #24


Answer #25


Answer #26

Double post for the win!

Answer #27

Yes please, because I’m really not seeing how my beliefs are inconsistent. Sorry lol.

Answer #28

Say you believe in a GOD or a standard law giver. If that standard law giver provides some rules and definitions about love and defines it you are completely consistent to believe those rules because you believe in the standard law giver and a never said you were inconsistent with your views and beliefs for I do not know them. Understand?

Answer #29

I had a feeling this was going to happen…. :/

Answer #30

fAR OUT liked the answer by mistake more points to you I guess =)

Answer #31

@Katie Rosalina, we’re not arguing don’t worry :P we’re just discussing- pinky promise. And to Joshua xD now I do understand lol, yeah. But in life there are no rules that can’t be bent and those ‘rules’ differ for everyone and every situation. Or, at least my life…because I don’t believe in God and therefore don’t have those set rules about love.

Answer #32

Lmao ‘by mistake’ okay :P xD but thanks I guess, haha.

Answer #33

well were do those rules come from XD not trying to be rude or anything but matter? lol.

Answer #34

I have no rules about love or anything of the like, as I said. I make my own rules on those subjects and I make my own destiny. I don’t need your god to ‘do’ anything for me. The rules don’t come from anywhere because there are no rules. I don’t need a set of rules to follow to love someone.

Answer #35

So you can kill someone if you wanted to?

Answer #36

I meant rules about love bro, don’t twist my words. And of course you could kill someone if you wanted to- but every action has a consequence. Society deems killing wrong so of course I would be punished. But, don’t stray from the subject. Society made the rule that killing is bad- not god. Or if he did then whoop-dee-doo…so did society.

Answer #37

On what base did society make that rule? No base equals unconsistent equals ignorant. Also Im taking generally so I did not twist your words I merely interpreted them XD.

Answer #38

Colleen- Peace keeping on FunAdvice since 2003 :P

Answer #39

They made it on the base that if peo

Answer #40

F!ck posted early lol. They made it on the base that if people went around killing on the streets, that would cause chaos. They also based it widely on Christianity because that’s the dominant religion…but not the only one. Buddhists follow their own rules, wiccans follow their own rules and and Christians follow their own rules. I follow my own rules as well, seeing as I don’t have a religion.

Answer #41

On what case is chaos bad? haha It goes on and on.

Answer #42

I don’t believe that any God exists.

Answer #43

i completly agree ^^

Answer #44

I have complicated outlook on God.

For a start, I’m polytheist which means I believe in mutiple Gods, mainly those of Pagan/Wiccan cultures. As for the Christian god, I believe in him but I don’t like him xP

I just think that all religions are right but tings here on earth are more important, your ideology shouldn’t completely shape your or other’s lives.

Answer #45

And also, Morgan Freeman deserves to actually be titled as one :D

Answer #46

Amen to that :P

Answer #47

The idea of loving a all-knowing, all-powerful and all-loving God is easy. This God doesn’t disappoint (like the husband who forgets your birthday), this God doesn’t lie (like your kid who broke something and won’t fess up), this God doesn’t leave (like your husband for a 20 something year old girl girl), I mean this God is supposed to be perfect. Making no mistakes. People make mistakes and it’s not possible to like them every minute of every day. So the idea of loving such a God more than loving a flawed human is not difficult to understand. Of course these people are remarkable at rationalizing (after all if God is all-powerful and all-powerful yet still DECIDED to create the devil, knowing what would happen to Adam and Eve in the garden of Evil, then God’s pretty messed up). I think the larger question is how do people believe in such a God. Once the unquestioned and committed belief is there, the love follows easily.

Answer #48

haha when i read think i fell off my bed laughing(:

Answer #49

I believe in Him.

Answer #50

I really don’t want to post anymore but please before posting an arguement like this again read original sin. The arguement is old and has been refuted. To put simply, its a strawman.

Answer #51

ya but god lets us live if he didnt care we wouldnt be living because he decided that you just have to believe jesus died for our sins so we can live with god after we are dead instead in hell so we should love god that he cares about us enough to let us live and after we are dead we can be with him forever so we should do our part by loving him because he cares aboutt us that much and is letting us be with him instead of hell

Answer #52

he never had to do that for us

Answer #53
  1. It is a cowardly way to attempt to make your point, ‘I don’t want to argue, but I’m going to say this and end it there…’
  2. I assure you I have read and studied religion, it was my minor in college. Telling me to read original sin (especially in the context of this argument) does not win you any points. First of all, original sin is not a document, it is an idea. Regardless, it is irrelevant in this context.
  3. Exactly who has refuted this argument successfully? The only argument to this is, ‘God is mysterious and God has a plan which we cannot know about’, neither of which I find acceptable.
  4. This is why I despise discussing issues with people who have no original thought, but are simply spouting what they’ve heard. In order for this to be a strawman I must have an opponent and I must some how be misrepresenting their position. Who exactly am I having an argument/debate with, and precisely what part of their position am I misrepresenting? (I suggest a dictionary or perhaps wikipedia before using words you don’t understand next time).
Answer #54

God is imaginary. I believe that when you die there is some awareness that you are not in your physical body but I don’t believe in Religion or Gods.

Answer #55

I agree. Most say “God created people” but I think people created god as a way of finding answers to things they don’t understand. I don’t believe in him, I don’t believe in heaven/hell, and I don’t believe that one being could have created everything without someone to create God himself. Which is why I always ask “Who created God? And who created that person? And that person? etc.”

Answer #56

That is what your parents, teachers, bible school programed you to believe. They showed you this book called the Bible and talked about heavens and hell and fire. If you had been born in a Wiccan, buddist, Muslim or any other religion country or family you would be believing with as much conviction into Wiccan religion, Buddah or Allah!

Answer #57

I am totally open to everyones views about god but mine personally started when my aunt died, I needed to believe that someone or thing was looking after her somewhere else.. I don’t take a literalist view to the bible, and I am open to all of the theorys presented and prooved scientifically. I believe that re combination of the two made the world. I believe that god looks over everyone and is almost like peoples conscious’s .. That he guides right over wrong .. I do also believe that some questions are still yet to be answered like if he was real, how could there be such things as war, evil and suffering ..? There are many different things that can be believed. I anything I am more spiritual than religious.

Answer #58

I beleive in God and without my faith I might not even be here today:/

Answer #59

@Tyra how many ad hominem were in that sentance well first one was well I didnt want to post anymore so I must be a coward and thus be wrong. Yeah I can see why its your minor. If you really read up in christian theology you would really understand that christianity has a complete answer on this so called “issue” Firstly when did I say that it was a document? secondly original sin is relevant because it states that sin came into the world as a result of man disobeying or rebelling against God. Althrough I do not know who the first person was to object to this arguement and refuted it but Vincent Cheung does very good job of summing up this easilly refutable claim. “The only argument to this is, ‘God is mysterious and God has a plan which we cannot know about’, neither of which I find acceptable.” Your assuming you know arguements I see. Well your objection was that you did not find it acceptable well thats relating to your standards thus becoming a somewhat subjective. It was strawman because you misinterpreted the raw christian view. Wikipedia is a laymen source and can not be used with definitions. :) :) XD XD

Answer #60

Not every person who was born in a wiccan, buddist or muslim family is not christian. =) I know someone a matter of a fact.

Answer #61

“Your assuming you know arguements I see.”Sorry its meant to have “all the between know and arguements XD.

Answer #62

I love God more than anything or anybody. Without him i would have nothing. I will always serve him. He always comes 1st. Atleast i try to make Him 1st

Answer #63

There are just some people in the world who seem to be able to suspend reality. They will look at things like faeries, leprechauns, and gnomes as being childish and unreal, but then look at the christian god as something absolutely real, when in reality none of them have any evidence to support their existence. I think it all comes down to a fear of death, and the wishful thinking that there is an afterlife. But as filetofspam stated, how could anyone “love” a god that would torture for eternity perfectly moral and kind people simply because they couldn’t believe in something without evidence? It is such a diametrically opposed view of a loving and forgiving god. I have yet to meet a believer who can properly explain this.

Answer #64

Sorry for interjecting, but Joshua, if god is all knowing, than he knew adam and eve would be tempted, and disobey him. It was, to put it in legal terms, entrapment. So how is god all about love, when he let his creations be tempted knowing they would fail? Can you not see how illogical that is?

Answer #65

Oh another religious debate question…. haha. Anyways it all comes down to a matter of faith. The bible says we walk by faith not by sight. Therefore we are called to believe in God even though we can’t physically see him. You can believe in yourself and other people but that doesn’t stop you in believing in God. Not to mention the bible answers questions that others can’t…. such as what happens after death. I’d hate to think that this life is it. Once dead you cease to be. To me that’s depressing and make life ultimately pointless…. Plus, God gives us what a way to live. He calls us to live a certain way. It’s a way of living that makes people love others, makes them free from worry or fear…. and ultimately yes every person on this earth has a desire to be loved (it’s human)…. and to hear that something so great and powerful as an almighty God loves them personally. Well, that sounds great to me. Even if I die and it turns out that the concept of God was merely a fairy tale…. that won’t make me regret choosing to believe in him, because it gave me hope to live each day. And even if God/Jesus aren’t real, that doesn’t mean what people have done in his name any less real. Me for ex. When my parent’s divorced and my mom was left with 6 kids and an empty house. Our church gave us beds, groceries, and some furniture. Sob story… boo hoo… everybody has one, but the point is, what those people did in his name was real, and I will follow that belief.

Answer #66

Oh another religious debate question…. haha. Anyways it all comes down to a matter of faith. The bible says we walk by faith not by sight. Therefore we are called to believe in God even though we can’t physically see him. You can believe in yourself and other people but that doesn’t stop you in believing in God. Not to mention the bible answers questions that others can’t…. such as what happens after death. I’d hate to think that this life is it. Once dead you cease to be. To me that’s depressing and make life ultimately pointless…. Plus, God gives us what a way to live. He calls us to live a certain way. It’s a way of living that makes people love others, makes them free from worry or fear…. and ultimately yes every person on this earth has a desire to be loved (it’s human)…. and to hear that something so great and powerful as an almighty God loves them personally. Well, that sounds great to me. Even if I die and it turns out that the concept of God was merely a fairy tale…. that won’t make me regret choosing to believe in him, because it gave me hope to live each day. And even if God/Jesus aren’t real, that doesn’t mean what people have done in his name any less real. Me for ex. When my parent’s divorced and my mom was left with 6 kids and an empty house. Our church gave us beds, groceries, and some furniture. Sob story… boo hoo… everybody has one, but the point is, what those people did in his name was real, and I will follow that belief.

Answer #67

Hey jimahl, how’re you?…..Anyways well we’ve tried to answer it, but no one likes it. The point is, actions mean nothing to God as much as where their heart lies. Don’t think that God takes delight in casting people to hell. He is a just God, and to be in his presence we must be without the blemishes of sin and the only way to do that is through the blood of Jesus. People are sent to hell because they can’t be in the presence of God. You may not like it, but God’s way provides a chance for even the most evil of people find redemption. He is a loving God because he does forgive anyone and everyone who asks for forgiveness. You can’t say he isn’t loving nor forgiving when all you have to do is ask. Plus, I can argue that everyone who has ever existed (with the exception of Jesus Christ) has sinned at least once or has done something wrong….. well in that sense there is no such thing as a good person. So in that statement, everyone one deserves hell. That God doesn’t send good people to hell, but the bad ones. Since we all aren’t without sin….. well we are all bad. Myself included. Plus, just because you don’t think there is evidence of God doesn’t mean there isn’t. What we christians see as evidence you cast away as stupid, but if you don’t buy it, that’s your view…. not ours. Plus, God offers us a way of life, salvation, redemption, and paradise….. The only thing leprechauns offer us is a bowl of lucky charms.

Answer #68

This is a completely brilliant statement that I completely agree with

Answer #69

I am personally Christian and believe in the Christian god but I also believe that all religions are correct and just different interpretations of the same message. I believe god is an explanation of the unknown but as science teaches us more the more depth my faith has because I believe god guided everything. I believe that we aren’t supposed to fear god but love him, but that love isn’t towards him it’s towards the people around you because that’s what god wants so I don’t think punishment is just for the non religious but for the cruel

Answer #70

I am personally Christian and believe in the Christian god but I also believe that all religions are correct and just different interpretations of the same message. I believe god is an explanation of the unknown but as science teaches us more the more depth my faith has because I believe god guided everything. I believe that we aren’t supposed to fear god but love him, but that love isn’t towards him it’s towards the people around you because that’s what god wants so I don’t think punishment is just for the non religious but for the cruel

Answer #71

Yay!!! love it… good explanation bryson… I agree that if i die and it all turns out to be a fairy tail i will still be happy i chose to believe. it only made me a better person and kinder to others. Made me happier.

Answer #72

wel i find these ppl wierd who believe in god… i mean seriously hw cn u believe or love or trust somethin u hav nt evn seen…. GOD is jst self satisfaction for some ppl….some ppl mite bring up a question like if god did nt exist den who created the world??? nd yes science is tryin its level best 2 answer dis… nd i obviously dnt wanna start coz im sure i wont stop…. ive olready written a book on dis topic which is over 700 pages nd still nt completed….. nd to conclude god is just imaginatory….

Answer #73

Amen Bryson. I couldnt have said it better. we are all givin a chance for redemption.. again i have said before. The first false assumption is that love allows the object of that love to do whatever he or she wants. So why doesn’t God make everyone into perfect beings and allow them all into heaven? It would be more cruel if God were to do this, since many people would prefer to go to hell to the alternative. Man chooses to suffer in eternal torment because he chooses to reject God and all His goodness. It is unfair to ask how God can send people to hell when He’s done all He can to stop them from going there

Answer #74

it is not a punishment not but the only option left to God who cannot destroy your sovereign will

Answer #75

Thanks Angel.

Answer #76

God wanted real love not a forced love. So he gave us free will to love him. We used the free will to disobey God. You get?

Answer #77

I didnt mean to put that 2nd not in there oops lol

Answer #78

If when you die and it is a fairy tale, you won’t know because you will have cease to exist. Bryson, I am happy that you find such comfort in your faith, but please don’t think that because someone doesn’t believe in the supernatural that they are depressed at the thought of dying. Because to me, I would rather live knowing that this is the only life I have and I am going to make the best of it, rather than worrying about weather there is an afterlife.

Answer #79

well if its a fairy tail then i will be happy now cuz believing in him made me better if not and he is real then i will still be happy,. either way its a win win

Answer #80

Hey Bryson, I am doing well. Hope all is well with you. If god doesn’t want to cast people into hell, he doesn’t have to. You make it sound like he has no choice in the matter. If he doesn’t have a choice, then he isn’t really all powerful, is he? If I find out he is real after I die, are you saying that it is too late to ask for forgiveness then? To me that is pure cruelty. It means our life is nothing but a test to please the deity. And that test is rigged, not against the most egregious sinners, but against those that simply can not believe something with out evidence, of which there are many. Probably some people who you admire and care about. I just don’t understand that logic of why one must accept something without evidence prior to death to be saved? I understand the part about us all having sin, but not all sin is the same. For instance , me telling a lie is a sin, but so is murder. But according to your belief, the murderer gets saved if he is able to accept the concept of god and the afterlife, but I can not. And don’t tell me I can because I choose not to believe. I have gone through this with many people, including Angel here, and it is not a choice. I could no more choose to go back to believing in god than you could choose not to. Is that really a difficult concept to understand? Because most believers I know completely discount that as a possibility, and think I am “choosing” to reject god. I ask you this seriously because I consider you a reasonable and intelligent guy. Most others, including Angel here, think of it as a personal failing and not something I have no control over.

And the things that christians claim is evidence I do not cast away as stupid. I just don’t consider it evidence at all. Evidence is real and tangible. It is not a feeling you get inside, or the fulfillment you get from your faith. That is not evidence, that is emotion. Nothing wrong that, it is just not evidence in any corporal sense. And many christians use the “the world is too complex to have just happened randomly” argument as evidence. Again, that is not evidence, it is supposition. It is looking at the end result and assuming the cause for it is supernatural because they are unable to understand cosmology and evolution. There is actual evidence for it being a natural occurrence, and none for it being supernatural. And BTW, I love Lucky Charms…

Answer #81

its just the same stuff over again.. FAITH. Its ok, if u cant believe, u cant. there is nothin me or anybody can do Jimahl. There is no more explinations without repeating ones self again and again.. it wont sink in for u becuz u dont believe. u dont have that faith like we do. Its ok. I hope in the end u will see. and we will all understand

Answer #82

By all means you have a right to not post any more. But posting your comment before then saying ‘I’m done’ is cowardly in my opinion. Of course you are allowed a difference in opinion. Lol. Apparently your understanding of what a minor in college means is obviously lacking. No, I did not study it as a major. But that does not mean I studied it ‘a little bit’. It just means I took 5 classes instead of the 7 that was needed to become a major. To read ‘original sin’ implies it is something that can be read. Original sin was an idea, as I must point out once again. ‘Easily refutable claim’, uhm according to whom? Once again you have not provided any actual evidence. Theology is not evidence. Much like the idea of Zeus killing Cronus is not evidence except to those who believe in Greek mythology. As for your circular argument of God wanted real love, God created this free will KNOWING that people would disobey. What type of God would create people knowing they would disobey. I would never give birth to a child knowing the child would disobey me and then be punished eternally. I don’t care what my child does, I would love it too much to allow it to be punished eternally (yes, if my child committed murder, I would still not allow this child to be damned forever if it was in my control). And you want us to believe in a God that is less loving than I am?

Answer #83

Once again we have a misunderstanding. You were asserting that A) God does not exist due to he is not all knowing. B) You went on to further push your own standard mixing in with the evidence to create a near perfect ad Hoc explanation. C) You went on to compare the scenario to a disobeying child? Madness! Also I found it funny that you assert that your an expert in this. Even if it was true it would hold no rational claimability. //To read ‘original sin’ implies it is something that can be read. Original sin was an idea, as I must point out once again. ‘Easily refutable claim’, uhm according to whom?// You can read articles on original sin, yes. Go read one instead of debating on what it actually is yes? Also I do not understand your rejection ‘To whom?’ I posted you a name of a guy who does it with his eyes closed. “Theology is not evidence. Much like the idea of Zeus killing Cronus is not evidence except to those who believe in Greek mythology.” These straws are getting hard to grasp at! We are not debating the ‘existence of god’ we are debating //God is all-powerful and all-powerful yet still DECIDED to create the devil, knowing what would happen to Adam and Eve in the garden of Evil, then God’s pretty messed up// I would also like to point out that pagan relgions like the ‘greek gods’ spurted from the older hidu relgion also a pagan relgion. These relgions were the result of man disobeying God. Off topic but you went far. Also calling a child an it is not the best way to go about loving ‘it’ right? Calling my arguement circular is very odd. Was my premise the same as my conclusion? No my premise was that Since God wanted unconditional love he created man with free will so that man could choose to follow him thus loving him unconditionally. I also included some of my presupposition in the premise ;). Again you bring your standards into the debate. You also assert that IM trying to convince you of Gods existence. If you really wanted me to give you an transcendental argument for the existence of God I would be happy to. Regards the king of circular reasoning wink wink

Answer #84

He is givin us a choice. We have free will. How can u say he is wrong when he has done all he can to help us without taking away free will

Answer #85

“God wanted real love not a forced love. So he gave us free will to love him. We used the free will to disobey God. You get?”

How is not letting bad things happen to the things you created and love, forced love. I think that using fear of his wrath, exile, or injury and death is forcing love. Showing you are compassionate and not cruel would be a better way to foster love. Setting someone up to fail is just cruel.

Answer #86

ok… for clarification… God doesn’t torture you. God doesn’t want you to go suffer eternal torment. It sounds like you are trying to make God seem like some bully who takes pleasure in people’s pain. If he did, then he wouldn’t have provided a way to go to heaven and give us a huge book on how to get there…. I’ll say that it is good to both love and fear God, but If the Jewish rabbi’s think it is more important to fear God, then why does God say to love the Yahweh with all your heart, soul, and strength. I’m sorry but those rabbis got it wrong in my opinion.

Answer #87

I find my faith important because of afterlife I think it’s important because of what it tell you to do, which is to forgive and be kind to all. That’s why faith is important

Answer #88

@Jimahi your doging the actual arguement and quote mining. On what base do you even think wrath, exile or injury is bad? This is just your standard thus is informal and opinionated. You are inserting yourself as an authority of morals. //Setting someone up to fail is just cruel// So many straws!

Answer #89

You talk as if God doesn’t make the very rules God follows. Lets say that we decide to crack down on Jaywalking and make the punishment for it to be death by slow torture. Is this fair? Nobody forced you to jaywalk, you jaywalked by your own free will therefore the law is fair. What happens if your parents teach you the wrong rulebook and you mistakenly jaywalk? Sorry, you should have changed the arbitrary rulebook you were raised with for the one true arbitrary rulebook. God has done all he could to help us? If my daughter didn’t believe that I was her father it would hurt my feelings but I wouldn’t wish eternal torment on her. In fact I wouldn’t wish eternal torment on my worst enemies. So, do I have more compassion for my worst enemies than your God has for his beloved children? Any God who gives infinite punishment finite sins is infinitely unfair and infinitely evil. If I actually believed the bronze age set of taboos, myths, and superstitions that is the Bible was true I’d have to choose Satan as the lesser evil.

Answer #90

I have no doubts that it is faith Angel. But that is not the topic at hand. The topic was why must one believe to get “saved”. See filetofspam’s answer above. He echoed my sentiments exactly…

Answer #91

I just want to point out that Jesus sacrificing himself for out sins more or less took away all internal punishment for we are all forgiven

Answer #92

I know you may not find it depressing…. however, to me it would be. The reason being is that when I die and 4 or 5 generations from now when everyone has forgotten me, I will have ceased to be in all aspects…. to me (personal opinion) life is meaningless. Plus, I’d like to think there is some sense of justice in creation, for ex. Hitler…. killed so many people and he got out of punishment. To me their deaths meant nothing and were for nothing…. that is my view on why it is depressing. And plus, Christianity is also a way to live your life too so to me we are getting the most out of our lives….. well a way to live my life and not worry about the after life. haha. I figure I’d rather die with salvation and not need it… then it turns out there is a God and he is very pissed at me.

Answer #93

Quote mining? I like that. On what base do I think wrath, exile or injury are bad? Are you serious? It is based on societal views of those things, and I have never known these things to be seen in a positive light. Unless you are a masochist, I guess. Do you think there is any kind of kind of good injury? Do you think Adam and Even thought exile was good? Do you think all the people who died in flood were happy about it? Do you know of anyone who enjoys facing the wrath of a superior? “So many straws!” And you keep grabbing at them… Have a nice weekend…

Answer #94

ok you talk as if you sin once it’s automatically BOOM! you are in hell, no exceptions. Well, that is why God sent Jesus to die for our sins….. so when we do jaywalk, we don’t have to suffer the punishment. The point is that God is holy and flawless and can not be in the presence of sin in heaven. He can’t. That is why all sin is equal to him and will reap the same punishment. That’s why he gives the same way out as if you committed murder or lied to your parents. Fair or not…. that’s up to you.

Answer #95

ok you talk as if you sin once it’s automatically BOOM! you are in hell, no exceptions. Well, that is why God sent Jesus to die for our sins….. so when we do jaywalk, we don’t have to suffer the punishment. The point is that God is holy and flawless and can not be in the presence of sin in heaven. He can’t. That is why all sin is equal to him and will reap the same punishment. That’s why he gives the same way out as if you committed murder or lied to your parents. Fair or not…. that’s up to you.

Answer #96

Im not saying they are good but Im certainly saying that it is neither bad or good under your worldview. Yes you were quote mining, good observation. I think your looking for the word ‘nihilist’. Good injury?, time for a young turks quote! “Of course!” Haven’t you heard of some recovering from an injury and coming out better? No but I certainly think they thought knowledge was good. No but they were worshiping false Gods and for every just standard that is broken it would be contradictory to not punish them. Yes I do of matter of a fact. Cheers have a nice weekend yourself and a shoutout to all who play starcraft II. Anyone want a game?

Answer #97

“I think your looking for the word ‘nihilist’.” No, not really. Rejecting theism, is not rejecting all of the mores and norms of society. Religion, to me, is not a good source for moral guidance. It is too contradictory.

“Haven’t you heard of some recovering from an injury and coming out better?”

Yes, a broken bone when healed is stronger than before. That doesn’t mean I want a broken bone. One may come out better, it doesn’t mean that the pain and suffering was worth it, and certainly is not desirable.

“No but I certainly think they thought knowledge was good.”

But exile was not desirable, no matter what. And what knowledge are you talking about? Knowledge gained from eating the apple? Please explain…

“No but they were worshiping false Gods and for every just standard that is broken it would be contradictory to not punish them.”

And they deserved a horrible death because they didn’t believe in the right god? Do you really think genocide was a just punishment?

Maybe you do know someone who enjoys feeling the wrath of a superior, but they are in a small minority. I know if no one who would “like” it. They may be able to bear it, but that is different.

The point here is, the overwhelming majority of people do not want to suffer exile, injury or death.

The god of the bible is at best schizophrenic. In the OT he is a vengeful and egotistical, and the in the NT he is a loving forgiving fatherly type. Both of them can’t be true.

Answer #98

I don not buy into Pascal’s Wager. If he is pissed at me for not being able to believe in him when he never once revealed himself to let me know he actually exists, then I would want nothing to do with a being that cruel and unforgiving. Because if he is real and he casts into hell those that were unable to believe in him, that means he has done that to many people I love. How could I love something that would do that to the people I love? I just don’t see how anyone can see that as a loving god. Using fear of hell to force belief is surely one of the most in-congruent aspects of the loving christian god.

Answer #99

thats just a silly question… it doesnt even make since.. How can u get saved if u dont ask? if u ask there is somethin tellin u to believe. You cant be saved if u dont want to be

Answer #100

Thats why we have Jesus. We are all sinners but we have a savior to forgive us. So we dont get eternal punishment.So all we have to do is ask. Not a lot to ask for huh

Answer #101

Nobody created God. He was always there. Let me guess…right now your thinking “There’s that lame response again. That’s impossible…somebody had to create God!” Okay, so let me explain myself. There has to be a beginning to everything, right? There has to be someone that was always there- that was created by no one. Someone to “invent” the act creating. That’s God. And yes, the thought of something always existing seems impossible to us. Well duh! Because it never happens on earth! How can we, humans, grasp something that we never witness? Everything on earth has a beginning. So we just expect the fact that everything has a beginning. But who knows what happens outside of earth? Anything can happen! Well, God is in heaven, not on earth. So maybe the idea of God always existing and never having a beginning isn’t so crazy after all?

Answer #102

If god always existed, why can’t the universe have always existed? There is no evidence that it hasn’t. The only thing we pretty much know is that all matter at one point was all concentrated into one single object prior to the big bang. But it might have always been there?

“There has to be a beginning to everything, right? “

Who says? You just need to believe that because if it isn’t true, then your preconceived notions of the world and its origins are out the window. We know a lot about how our planet was formed, and how life evolved on it. And there is zero evidence that anything supernatural had anything to do with it. When you say everything has a beginning, what are you talking about? Because matter can neither be created nor destroyed. It can only be changed. So even the atoms that make up your body have always existed, they have just changed into the the person you are. And when you die, they will change again.

Answer #103

If you are Not a theist your views on morality will be most most certainly contradictory. Quite to the contrary, I bet many people would go through some pain to get what they want. In the garden of eden the only source of knowledge to man was the tree of knowledge so yes. You know that one can consider consequences and still go through with eating the apple. //And they deserved a horrible death because they didn’t believe in the right god?// If you considered it from my perspective you would come up with the answer yes but since this is a emotional appeal I need not go any further. In the OT and NT he is a loving and forgiving type but in the end your just going to argue from your point of view and your way of looking at the evidence we will get no where if we call on evidential apologetics.

Answer #104

Ok here is how I see it. Everything has a beginning and an end, everything that exists that is touched by time. God is the creator of time, so therefore he is outside of time. So that can explain no beginning and end. Science can explain how something comes to be but not really why.

Answer #105

Yes, one sin and BOOM!, less you repent. punishment for a single mortal mistake. Yes, he sent himself down as his son in a pure vessel to absolve the sins in which he labile as such to save us all from eternal torment in which he created. We’re all supposed sinners and not even I cam wish my worse enemy the eternal torment in which your supposed pure being has made for them. He is the alight, he makes the rules, he can choose a punishment that is less brutal, or at least make it to where they stay a few decades or centuries, but he choose an eternal punishment for a short lived sin, or for just not knowing of his existence(which is a sin). Like telling a kid he can’t have one of the cookies on a platter sitting upon the table. He can choose to listen, but he CHOOSES to disobey. He grabs a cookie and you catch him so you cut off his hands, though I doubt you’d believe that is just.

Answer #106

Yes, one sin and BOOM!, less you repent. punishment for a single mortal mistake. Yes, he sent himself down as his son in a pure vessel to absolve the sins in which he labile as such to save us all from eternal torment in which he created. We’re all supposed sinners and not even I cam wish my worse enemy the eternal torment in which your supposed pure being has made for them. He is the alight, he makes the rules, he can choose a punishment that is less brutal, or at least make it to where they stay a few decades or centuries, but he choose an eternal punishment for a short lived sin, or for just not knowing of his existence(which is a sin). Like telling a kid he can’t have one of the cookies on a platter sitting upon the table. He can choose to listen, but he CHOOSES to disobey. He grabs a cookie and you catch him so you cut off his hands, though I doubt you’d believe that is just.

Answer #107

I’m trying to understand the reasoning here. You admit that God’s rules are grossly unfair but since God provided a loophole it is all fine and good. If you don’t choose the loophole than God is blameless. If God can not tolerate imperfection than perhaps it is God who needs to change. A fair God would at least grade on a curve rather than pass/fail.

Answer #108

God does not change he is perfect. There is a book written on how to get to heaven. all u have to do is ask. ask and u shall receive. its not that hard. come on

Answer #109

But if you are incapable of believing in that book you can not get in, right?

Answer #110

No for those who live a righteous and loving life and those who care for others get in. Heaven isn’t for the believers it’s for those who live the word.

Answer #111

Bryson I wish I could like that statement a million times cuz that’s exactly how I feel

Answer #112

Ha ha… man I forgot this conversation… filletofspam- so God needs to change to fit us? How would you suggest the qualifications for heaven and hell should be? The thing is, we want God to be who we want him to be. If we don’t like something we think God needs to change to fit us… but he’s the master and we are the servant… not the other way around. Angel- It’s not hard, but to others it’s the same of asking a rock…. that’s where it gets hard. Jimahl- I do understand where you are coming from. However, all I can think of to say at this point is to try. If you want think of it as an experiment. The bible says to seek and you shall find, ask and you shall receive. I do believe that if someone earnestly want’s to find God they will. Will- believers are those who live by God’s word. It’s kinda one in the same, bro. I understand what you meant though.

Answer #113

I just out followers of his word because even some believers don’t follow and even non believers still follow.

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