
Ok me and my friend are going to go buy those spiral ear taper thingys and I want to now how long it will take to stretch our ears like that? Not too big or anything just enough I could get the spiral in a ways

Answer #1

Yeah I know probably should have put some details I’ve been thinking of doing it for a while and then today my friend and I were looking at jewelery online (piercings) and we saw the spiral tapers and decided we’d try it cause we figured out where in down to get them and thought it would be cool. im starting at regular size and I dont know the taper size.

Answer #2

Uhh, yeah there is a limit. You stretch only once in not only one day, but atleast 2 months. If you’re just starting out it doesn’t really matter too much. Well, it does, but it doesn’t. Say you stretch to 14g and then two days later 12g and then a few days later a 10g that wont do too much damage, but after that wait a month or two and don’t skip sizes. Treat every time you stretch like a new piericng. Clean it. And if it hurts at all, you’re doing it wrong.

Answer #3

I got mine to a 3g in one day when I first gauged em. There isn’t really an official limit to how much you can stretch in one day, but be sensible about it. Don’t try to go to a 00 because that’s your goal. If you stretch it too much in one shot, you’ll likely cause a blowout, and that’s NEVER fun.

Use a LOT of lube. Seriously, you can never overdo it, the less they hurt, and smoother they go.

Answer #4

Depends on the size you buy and the size you’re at now. You don’t sound like you know a lot about ear stretching, but I could be wrong. If you don’t then I’ll fill you in on what you’ll need to know before you decide to do something like this. Im a 3/4 at the moment. I know what im doing and the proper way to do it. I’ll be glad to help you. =P What size are you at? What size are the talons?

Answer #5

well you want to make sure the taper is a size 14g or maybe 12g.

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