Taper Pain

My tapers really hurt how can I numb them. I got them yesterday, and started at size 8

Answer #1

well of course there going to gurt you just got two very big holes in your ears theyll probably hurt for longer than an average piercing would because the hole is much bigger, as most piercings start at 16 gauge it will probably hurt for around a week instead of around 3 days your ears need to get used to these new wounds if they still hurt after a wekk go back to the piercer or see a doctor as for now, just clean them every now and then numbing them can help bring down any swelling and make it hurt less make sure you wrap the ice/frozen object in a paper or material towel, napkin, ect first though and just be aware that once there healed your skin cant re-atatch itself so if you decide to take them out further on down the track youll be left with two holes dangling there, that can only be fixed with surgery

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