Sylvia Brown???

Do you really believe thate her work is real, or if it’s just some fluke?

Answer #1

sylvia brown is a “physcic” or she says she is. she goes on tv shows and piucks people out of audiences to ehlp them and miracuolously states everything true.

that or the people she picls are staged. no one really knows…

Answer #2

there are real and fake ones out there. you cant be sure of which one a person is. I myself, have never heard of her. but in wicca, my religion, withces sometimes can do that. but I believe that she is a fake.


Answer #3

I see. Nah, doubt she’s the real deal. But who knows.

Don’t know if you’ve heard about a guy named Wolf Messing, but as far as I know, his abilities were documented and, well, it’s said that he is one of the greatest psychic ever(or one of the greatest).

He foretold that Hitler would lose the war, even when, and it happened exactly as he predicted. I’ve also heard that Hitler captured him and put him in a prison. Later, that guy simply walked out of it. He also performed on the TV and stuff.

So if at least one person could do those kind ofthings, it would only be logical, in my oppinion, to accept the possibility that other people can do the same to some extent. But, yeah, who knows.

Still don’t think she’s anything special.

Answer #4

Shes definitely a poser. and if not … she worships the devil

Answer #5

yup!she has spirit helper’s

Answer #6

Who is Sylvia Brown?

Answer #7

I think she’s a total poser lol… I like your pic…

Answer #8

yup!she has spirit helper’s

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