Physic readings and stuff

Do you believe in physics Horoscopes Tarrot cards Past lives

Personally I find it very fassinateing and see some truth behind it After my father passed away my family had a physic come in and told us All about our dad a compleat stranger told us about him and how hes doing And how he feels. I mean I see the truth in it so can looking to the starts really pridect love life and the future ?

Tell meh what you think (:

Answer #1

Yes I believe in all of it, And we all have it in us aswell…some just dont put it to use and they lose it or forget how. Some people who claim to know are fakes though…so be careful.. I believe Sylvia Brown is real though, she also backs up her stories and explains it all and doesn’t ask for any history based on your life.

Answer #2

“I believe Sylvia Brown is real though, she also backs up her stories and explains it all and doesn’t ask for any history based on your life.”

Sylvia Brown is a charlatan of the worst sort. Want examples? See

Answer #3

Loads of crap, if you are in the mood to spend $200 give me a call and I can also spin you something you WANT to hear ;-)

Answer #4

I think horoscopes tarrot cards and past life regression is all hooey.

James Randi has a lot of good books on the subject. If you really want to learn about these things this is where to start.

Answer #5

People claiming psychic powers are faking - either consciously or unconsciously. The technique whereby they seem to have amazing powers of perception is called ‘cold reading’ - they start with vagueness (“The name starts with an a or a k”) and use hints from you to refine it.

For example, have you ever had a psychic tell you something you didn’t know, and they shouldn’t know, and later confirmed it to be true?

Answer #6

I believe some physics, I think that a lot are faking though

but I love tarot cards, it was scary this one gilr, this was the first time we met she didnt kow any perosnal details of mine and she did a tarot card reading for me and it was pretty scary and she also did for my friends, I was pretty dead on.

Answer #7

Do I believe in Physics? Like the science? Yes and its a fun class. Oh are referring to psychics? To some extent. I don’t know if people are telling the truth or lying. I watch them on tv and it seems too real to be true. Psychics and Physics are two totally different things.

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