What [strange] habits do you do in front of people but behind their back?

I’ve heard some strange yet funny ones over the years …

Answer #1

I like to cut bananas in halfs, with the peel still on, and eat it with a teaspoon out of there lol

Answer #2

hehe thats cute… i like to play with my eye lashes while i go to sleep

Answer #3

I used to do that thing with your eyelashes where you squeeze them shut then pull them out (not out out) and you hearing the popping noise or whatever, haha. I would be careful with that though. I think that’s part of the reason my eyelashes are screwed up Dx lol

Answer #4

Hmmm, this is a fun question haha. I ALWAYS pick hair off people’s clothes, even strangers in the mall ahahhaha. Like, if somebody has a stray hair that has fallen off their head and stuck to their shirt, I peel it off and flick it away lol it really annoys me hah

Answer #5

ya i dnt wanna lose my eyelashes hehe. they mite fall out

Answer #6

I stretch out my jaw, I don’t know how but I do. LOL

Answer #7

I stick a small paper on their back with: I AM LONELY TO NIGHT. LOL

Answer #8

OMG !! i do the same!! I put on masceara and then wait for it to dry, then i start playing with my eyelashes, and sometimes i dont even notice( or forget) that im playing with my eyelashes!!

Answer #9

ha ha now there all bent and weird lol

Answer #10

i piont my chin slightly up when im bored,people say it gives the impression that im pissed but im not im just bored,i do it without even noticing

Answer #11

when im alone and listen to music i pretend im making a music video of it

Answer #12

naughty! :P

Answer #13

Ok, I know y’all do it, but I’ll be first to say it: I pick my nose :P

Answer #14

Renee, we share that ‘grooming’ thing with all our ape relatives {=^3

Answer #15

Nice! Haha…

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