How can I stop my dog from eating our other dog's food?

Me and my boyfriend have a dog, and my parents have a dog. My dog’s food and water dishes are in my room, and their dog’s food and water dishes are in the kitchen.

My dog eats her food, and has no problem with the area it’s in…but sometimes, at night…or when I am in the shower (away from her, and unable to supervise her) she will go and gobble up the food in the kitchen…even if she has food in her dish.

What can I do? Also, I am still having difficulty with another issue concerning my dog…I haven’t really received any helpful answers. If you could take a look at this one as well, and provide some sort of help, it will be greatly appreciated. -

Answer #1

Feed it first before the others, hopefully when it gets full, it will prevents it from eating the other’s.

Answer #2

Well, it’s a bit difficult to do that, because both of the dog’s usually won’t eat as soon as we put food in their dish. Sometimes, they let it sit all day or night before eating it. We feed them once in the morning, and once in the evening…everyday. So, the feeding time is pretty scheduled, not random.

Answer #3

If their not eating the same kind of food then your dog might like the other dog’s food better so you might want to switch the food even if it is the same kind try a different kind of food the dog might like better than the other one. Other than that i would just make sure your dog is well fed and when you put out its food place the dog there to show it’s there.

Answer #4

You might just have to put both the dogs on a feeding schedule, honestly. That’s what we had to do when we got our second dog. He used to eat our other dog’s food all the time, because we just let her food sit in the bowl to take whenever. For us it came down to gating him in one room for dinnertime and she would be put in another. After awhile she got used to having to eat all her food at one specific time and it was fine. The only other option would be to gate the dogs off to the point where your dog can’t get to your parent’s dog’s food. That would, suck, though, because you would have to gate your dog up all day if the food was left sitting in the bowl all day. I don’t really see another option; food is food (I doubt there will be a brand the dog won’t like), and dogs never seem to be full.

Answer #5

Separate the feeding areas.

Answer #6

Stand there when they eat….if he starts for the other bowl, say NO! BACK! Block him with your body…say NO! BACK! You’re going to have to do this for a while, and be consistant. I always feed with dogs on opposite ends of the room…that gives you time to get there and block the dog from moving forward to the next bowl.

Answer #7

You can feed your dogs in seprate rooms.

Answer #8

I have separate feeding areas…please read the description.

Answer #9

I do. Please read the description.

Answer #10

my dog does the same thing…….. what we have to do every time is, stand there with them while they eat, my dog wont try to eat the other dogs food while were there. For a long time we had to put them in different rooms and than shut the door so they couldnt get to each other but than we moved so our house is set up a little different so now we have to stand by them while they eat.

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