So irritable/ depressed lately

It seems like everything lately is just annoying me. Everyone, too. I guess its just the weather, but I feel like my friends don’t even want to hang out with me anymore. I’m really bored all the time now, too. Ugh

Answer #1

One technique is to try and do something for someone that will help them, you will feel so much better if you can make others feel good. Even some crazy random thing like buy an old lady a cake. Its wierd but you will feel great for doing this. there are 20 other ways on this site:

Answer #2

I am feeeling the same way right now. although I know WHY! I am going to bed and am going to try and sleep it off. Maybe you shoudl try it too… just a thought.

good luck

Answer #3

-play a random online game 0-0 -take a hot shower -do your favortie hobby -just sleep on it off

do what ever to keep your mind occupied and not feeling depressed I know how it feels in fact a lot of people here knows how it feels your know alone =]

Answer #4

school? you probably need a break:L just be a little lazy:P

Answer #5

are you near your “time of the month” ?? I get really irretable near then like REALLY irritable

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