Excuses for being late?

Whats the best excuse you’ve told you boss for being late?

Answer #1

My friend tried to ditch a class one time so l ran after her. When l was late, l told the teacher the toliet in the bathroom was clogged.

Answer #2

“I know im lateee…but atleast im here!”

Answer #3

I ran over a family pet, they were really distraught and I felt really bad. (this isnt true, but it works…) =)

Answer #4

the trafficcc was really bad! and this car that was in front of me was going incredibly slow.

IT actually worked too. hahaha!

Answer #5

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you” (and it was very true, he wouldn’t have believed me- it was a very extraordinary reason!)

Answer #6

haha…I got pulled over and after running all my info through dispatch, the cop let me go.

(I never used it but, used MANY other excuses)

  1. got really sick and had to go home and change

  2. daycare asked me to stay and go over things with my son

  3. ran an ambulance call (only emt in the area at the time)

  4. had to go to the school for the older kids

  5. have to leave early to drive hubby to the doctors

at least I always made it in, like it or not, ya know?

Answer #7

hee hee violent diarrhea. it’s gross but it worked.

Answer #8

“the car broke down” :)

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