Slept with condoom on

I’m 14years old and I just had sex with my girlfriend who is 17. She has had sex before but I was still a virgin. I’m ashame to say when I cam I was to beat up I couldnt move and I fell asleep. I still had my condoom on in the moring. I dont know this but would I get any infections ? I know that spurm could swim around and that there life span is a few hours so what I want to know is could they swim back from where they came from? and if they spurm becomes dead cells is it dangerous for my skin? Should I wash my penis after sex even when I had a condoom on ?

Answer #1

wow. okay some people who answered your question im sorry but dt know what they are talking about. no. if you wore a condom chances are she isnt pregnant. and just because you don’t wash your penis after sex does not mean it will smell like a dead fish. lol. toull be fine dear my boyfriend has slept with a condom on plenty of times

Answer #2

ok im not sure about the infection but you should always wash your penis after sex excpecially if you had a condom on. that just means you have your own semen on your penis… I personally would not want a boyfriend who walks around with dryed semen under his pants

Answer #3

If you dont wash your penis after sex, chances are that 24 hours later it will smell like a dead fish!

It is also unhygenic.



Answer #4


If you read what I said it was, ‘If you dont wash your penis after sex, chances are that 24 hours later it will smell like a dead fish!’

Please note the 24 hours later part! It is a fact that as sperm starts to degrade, it give off a smell like fish.

Let your guy cum up you and then dont rinse it out for 24 hours if you dont believe me. In that scenario, it is even worse as it reacts with the womans natural juices.

Likewise, if a guy masturbates and does not wash his dick with soap and water, within 24 hours it will most likely start to smell like rotten fish.

You are of course entitled to post your opinions but some of us really do know what we are talking about sometimes.



Answer #5

its extreemly unlikley that youd get any infectons and no, sperm doesnt swim back up your hole just wash it off and youll be fine

Answer #6

you will be fine but she could be pregnant

Answer #7

Chill and relax nothings gonna happen if you gf is experienced then she would have taken some precaution and nothings gonna happen to you surely !

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