Should I be upset about this

Me and my friend were talking about confidence today and I said I rate myself 7 out of 10 for looks and she told me she thought I was a 5. I dont care if she thinks im monster ugly but her attitude wasnt pleasant. How would you feel.

Answer #1

Is this something that the two of you talk about a lot? If it is, maybe she’s being annoyed by constantly having to rate you or herself. Other than that, keep your head high. You are beautiful!

Answer #2

she has issues, she obviously has low self confidence which means she needs to tear you down. You dont need “friends” like that in your life…

Answer #3

shes just a girl…a boys opition could b diffrent

I think your pretty but anyway …thats the thing about people who speak out even if they feel a bit off…

What I would do is meet her in town or something and then ask her why she was being a bit nasty bout that night …

hope this helps Lovvies xxx

Answer #4

ummm well considering you were grading urself on looks you shud be prepared 2 get feedback that mtie be a bit hurting, especially if you want a truthful friend. you shud def be a lil pissed that she wud downgrade you like that but dont hold that grudge. however if she rated herself veeery high then I wud be a little more mad

Answer #5

I mean im not majorly depressed by this just she thinks shes 8 and she only ever is into hot guys. I wonder why we are friends at all.

Answer #6

This girl doesn’t sound like a very good friend to be honest. That’s just downright nasty.

Maybe she has self-confidence issues and bringing others’ down makes her feel better.

Whatever her reason though I think she’s out of order.

Take care x

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