She threatens me...

So I took your advice and tried to talk to my boyfriend about it. he tries talking to her but all he gets (when im there) is that “I wanna be with you” and “She;s just a little kid” and “I love you more”

I tried to reason with her, telling her that it nots up to me to force my boyfriend to date me, and that it only matters to me if he’s happy.

that’s when I told her, if she truly loves him, then let him be hapy. and that’s what I told him myself. I told him to decide upon who he want to be with, because in the end, we neither of us could force ourselves on him. he told her that if she wasnt going to accept our relationship, then he didn’t want anything to do with her.

But now im gettin a feeling that my boyfriend and his ex is messing around because whenever I come over to drop my daughter off or to come visit his parents, I ALWAYS see her there. And I come at random times and they’ll be in his room alone.

so I tried talkin to him, but he just says its nothing. I want to trust him, but its really hard to accept whether he is being truthful or not.


Answer #1

listen to your instinct

Answer #2

some things in life are so hard and my advice is not easy but if I was you I would close my leggs on him take care of my daughter give myself sometime to get over him and move on if during this time he is not ready to come clean and do things differently then bye bye baby-daddy get your childsupport and get in college and I garantee you a college man will come a calling quit crying over spilt milk you see what he is doing accept it and move on life is to short and it is too many disease out here!!! you have to fight with your heart on this but your mind can win every time you look at the baby! you confronted him and now do what you got to do he will respect you in the long run and I will want you back by then it will be too late, My ex-husband still wants me back and it has been over 20 years our son will be 21 next month. your young some worthy man will be crazy over you and your baby!!!

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