The crush I like has a threatening boyfriend...what to do?

Okay, here is the problem. I’ve liked this girl, for a really long time. So when Valentines Day came around, I decided to get her a gift, as a nice gesture.

Well, anyway. She came up to me and she said “ I’m so sorry.” And she handed me a note.

Well, I read it, and it was a message from her boyfriend. He says that if I send her anything or speak to her ever again, then he’s going to kick my ass.

And Now, I’m depressed about this whole situation. And I dont know what to do. I’m starting to blame myself for it, and starting to have suicidely thoughts.

Does anybody have any advice about what to do in my situation ??

Answer #1

Do U know how many females there R on this planet?? The fact is U could & probably will meet some1 that will make U forget this girls name. Besides her boyfriend being really insecure this situation would have just ended with this girl telling U shes seeing some1 so it this really worth ending it all for?

The way I see it is that U have 3 choices; a) Go on with Ur life knowing that U will find some1 sooner or later. b)Say screw her boyfriend & keep doing ya thing with this girl (may cause a problem between U & the boyfriend but U could take the chance). or c) Do something really incredibly stupid like attempt suicide which I really dont advice (killing Urself over a girl really isnt a “good look”)

Answer #2

look don’t let alittle thing like this put you down, there are millions of other girls out there.

Answer #3

I know you cant control how you feel about someone, but you really need to keep things in perspective when the person you like is involved in a relationship! There are some boundaries you just dont cross, and this is one of them! When, and IF she becomes available, then you can make your move, but until then….Respect her, and her relationship, and leave them alone. I really dont think youd appreciate it if you had a gf and some guy was trying to interfere in your relationship!

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