
I need help schoool is annoying me too much I leave in july I want to enjoy last few months there but im sure all my techers have something against me im always giddy but recantly my teachers ave annoyed me too much I havent been home from school on time for 3 weeks because of coursework im stressin out over stuid things please help x

Answer #1

yeah I leave this year too and most of the teachers hate me but then agen I do mess around at school and im on my last warning from being kiked out for good lol so thats probs why. but latley I’ve been getting better and im nearly off of report and they said im responding better than I have done ever before. im just going to sit at home doing my work and actually listen in class for once because its all worth it in the end. im guna miss going to school thou :( it sounds weird but they are probally going to be the best years of my life lol.

Answer #2

the sameee exact happened to me . youre just feeling overwhelmed and stressful . just let it go and if you get a lot of work , have your own little calendar and journal and stuff to plan what youre gonna doo . thats what im doing right now and im fine . and if you go on the computer a lot , get away from it !

Answer #3

Bottom line: you’ve got to stick in there for your own good - the teachers are in the position of authority - lose the battle to win the war, graduation !!

Answer #4

Aww Is it Mr.O…ect. YOU YOU !!! stressin omfg you dont know the meaning of the word lol, thats my job haha. :P x

C you 2morrow x x

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