What is Pornography?

What is Pornography?

Is it affect sex life

Answer #1

something noone need to look at it is addictive and will destroy your integrity, relationships,and preception of people in general, also you will feel dirty and if you need anybody to help you im here for you and do not start looking please check out out a site www.xxxchurch.com its awesome it shows what kinda stuff happens in pornography

Answer #2

pornography is described as any creative activity (writing or pictures or films etc.) of no literary or artistic value other than to stimulate sexual desire and no, it doesnt affect your sex life unless your addicted to it or you could use it to get ideas or get you off, ect

Answer #3

naked picture… naked sex pictures-its kinda self explanitory haha (:

Answer #4

Pictures of naked men, or women… really perverted crap.

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