For Believers in Yeshua "Jesus Christ"

If He comes today … what would you say (in 100 words or less) ???

Answer #1

well I don’t believe in him, so to me he is just another guy.

and you asked for believers to answer, but if you want to, I’ll pretend that I believe in him and give you an answer.

Answer #2

Jesus is “just” a guy? I’m not the one who’s confused. I said, “If He comes today” What is so difficult about answering “as if?” If you don’t see this as being in the realm of possibility then at least allow me to obtain an answer from those who dream of “the Day” The question remains “For Believers in Yeshua “Jesus Christ”” As always I ask in all sincerity.

Answer #3

What “guy” Where?

Answer #4

What guy Where?

He isn’t here yet…so I guess that’s what’s making you confused.

ps. I was speaking about jesus.

Answer #5

agreed with ichi, I’d feel that the guy has a lot of explaining to do…but for now. NO comment.

Answer #6

Ichibanarky is right, im a non believer and id have to say if he came to earth today.

O_O well shut my mouth…

Answer #7

This may have been a more interesting question for the ‘non-believers’ to answer.

Answer #8


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