Pitbull? Will it kill me dog?

Ok I am probably getting a pitbul puppy (8weeksold) from one of my guy friends. Hes bringing it to me form cali as a present. I love dogs, I’ve had 7. But I’ve never had a pit. I have another dog, hes a collie/heeler and shes very shy and has anxiety issues. I want the pit really bad but I’m afriad I might mess up or something when I train it and it will be very aggressive and kill my other dog. I’ve only had one other aggressive dog… What should I do?

Answer #1

The great GREAT majority of Pitbulls are not dangerous (most that are dangerous are, simply because the person who has them, wants their dog to be mean…(it’s irresponsible dog handling, by irresponsible people)…

Treat him like the dog he is…not like the BREED he is…Dogs are dogs first and breed second. In the beginning, it’s your job to watch and make sure your present dog is going to accept him, and teach him some “doggie manners”…Nip any and all aggression problems with either dog in the bud…Let them see YOU are the leader of this pack…and they both have to tow the lines that YOU set.

If it’s possible…watch a few episodes of the Dog Whisperer…he has Pitbulls (even ex-fighting dogs) running loose with Dachsunds, Chi’s, Rotties, German Shepherds, Labs, even a tiny Chinese Crested…every breed imaginable at his Center…they all intermingle together and there are NO fights…because they see him as the leader, and fighting ain’t allowed.


Answer #2

PS…Lots of walks TOGETHER…you in front, them at your side or slightly behind…this little action takes their doggie instincts into “We are a pack…and YOU are the pack leader”…these walks done repeatedly, litterly bonds them together…


Answer #3

it depends on how you train it its better to have it as a puppy so it will get used to you and your dogs. but be careful they are know to be dangerous

Answer #4

make sure you socialize them from a young age, maybe even search the net for dog introduction programs or classes that they can go to together. we are doing the classes for introducing my new pug puppy into my family with 2 full grown labs and a cat, and I have heard nothing but good things about these classes! I would get the puppy, as long as you dont encourage agressive behavior, it shouldn’t become agressive.

Answer #5

Don’t be afraid to get a pitbull. You can keep them in seperate cages, but so they can stil see each other. See how they react, and if they look like they want to see each other after a certain period of time [ probably a week and a half ] you can put them together while watching them. It definitely won’t kill your Collie if you raise it correctly. Give them equal attention. If one of them acts like you are ingnoring them, call them over and give both of them attention. They will surely get along after a while. =]

Answer #6

ALL PIT AND ROTTYIES are NOT BAD!!!at that young age they dont get that aggresive unless they are abused or treated wrpng by the owners.same goes for any dog if they are abused they will problaby will b scared or aggresive pits just happen to b stronger and have bad bad back rounds cause people use them in fights .just make sure its back round is good.

Answer #7

simply keep him around the other dogs a lot so he learns to grow with them take him/her for walks to your ffriends who have dog get him use to being around other dogs. what ever you do if its a male keep him away from other male dogs in your house because pits and vert terrioral so hell def start fighting. I know these things I have one and hes big and loving to me and the people in my house and our neighbors but he dont like other male dogs and hes fine with females. if you have more questions just ask. feel free to fun mail me…=D I want to help!!

Answer #8

not all pits are mean it all depends on how you raise them. you should b very friendly with it and it will do fine.

Answer #9

All dogs can kill you!!! Do your research… not all pits are bad. We own one, and he is a big baby. I have 4 small kids, and goats and a tiny 3ld dog, and buffi: my english bulldog. And my lil 3lb dog is the boss. She puts him in his place quick. Everyone where I live has some breed of bulldog. They are not human aggressive! Not unless they have been inbred, or unsocialized. And that goes for all dogs; not just pits.

Answer #10

It can kill even you. It”s better not to have a pitbull.

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