Why don't certain people believe this?

why don’t certain people believe in my religoin we follow what the king james vesion bible says its all true… =]]

Answer #1


The ancient Hebrew word for virgin was “betulah” and it is used in the Old Testament over 50 times. But the word almah is used in this passage, rather than betulah. That word, “almah” is used nine other times in the Old Testament, and it clearly refers to a young woman.

In addition, that passage doesn’t even seem to be related to Jesus, but rather seems to be a prophecy about the lifting of the siege of Jerusalem by the allied armies of Syria and the Northern Kingdom of Israel, an event that occurred over seven centuries before Jesus lifetime.

The bottom line is, the KJV, which the poster asked about, got the translation of the word almah wrong. There are some versions, like Revised Standard, which got it right (saying young woman) but the passage does not refer to Jesus birth, but an unrelated event.

Answer #2

In response to semi1900 about the prophecy of Isaiah 7:14:

It is true that the Hebrew word used in that particular passage (almah) can be used to mean either “young woman,” “beautiful one” or “virgin”. In an instance like that, any translator will tell you that you must look at the context of its use in order to decide how it is to be translated.

This is that passage from Isaiah in full: ‘’’Ask for a sigm from the Lord, your God; let it be as deep as the nether world or as high as the sky!’ But Ahaz answered, ‘I will not tempt the Lord.’ Then he said: ‘Listen O House of David! Is it not enough for you to weary men, must you also weary my God!? Therefore the Lord himself will give you this sign: the virgin* shall conceive and bear a son, and shall name him Immanuel’’’ (Is 7:11-14).

*In the context of that passage, it doesn’t make sense to translate that word as either “young woman” or “beautiful one” because neither would constitute a sign, which was the entire purpose of the passage to begin with.

The first rule of interpreting scripture: Don’t wrench scripture out of context.

Answer #3

The King James version of the Bible is full of mistranslations and flaws, such as the misinterpretation of the Isaiah 7:14 prophecy that the Messiah would come from a virgin birth; in reality, the word for young woman was not translated properly into Greek and therefore was not a factual prophecy.

The reason people don’t follow your religion is because they aren’t duped by it.

Answer #4

The Bible is a book of history and guidance for peoples of certain times. The Old Testament was meant for the societies and peoples of ancient times. The New Testament was meant to change much of the Old Testament law and to guide the society and people of two thousand years ago.

The Bible worked during the time periods it was meant to cover. Its guidance protected the people and gave value and purpose to their lives.

The problem is that the Bible was meant for past eras and was successful therein. It, however, did not keep up with the times and technologies during the advancement of mankind.

There may still be some lessons that can be learned from studying the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. But, the lessons must be tempered with the knowledge that exists in the current time period.

Man and his technology has evolved considerably since Biblical times. The Bible has not evolved accordingly. It is therefore the province of man to interpret the whole Bible and attempt to allow its relevant parts to fit into the lifestyles of the current era.

As long as they do not infringe on the rights of others, men are free to follow the teachings of the Bible for themselves. Your rights and beliefs end where mine begin.    

We should be in Harmony  

If you’re in my here and now, Then it is certainly meant to be; That for this moment, at this time, We should be in Harmony.

Why? You ask. What is the reason? That “fate” has brought us near; Well, the only way we’re going to know, Is by listening - until we hear.

The purpose may be for you, Or maybe even me; Or maybe even someone else, Whom we may not yet see.

But our meeting which brings together, A fruition of our being; Is meant to be of benefit, In helping someone else to seeing.

For we all are our brothers’ keepers, Enlightening and guiding their way; As we strive to fulfill our charge, To gather back together - Whole someday.

But grant to each their individuality, Their right to choose their path alone; For though the roads may twist and turn, All roads eventually do lead Home!     What will be will be  

And it shall come when at last, That what will be will be; So seek the Truth that in the past, Whilst on the Earth your eyes did see.

That I may know THAT I AM!

That I may help you to BE!     From my chosen path I stray, Yet my God any’er turns away; For I have learned – and understand, That where God is – is where I am!

Answer #5

certain people don’t believe in your religion because it is based on the bible and the bible is just a book. not a book based on fact. it’s more like a story book. why should anybody believe that?

Answer #6

Believe what you were brought up in, don’t cristicize others in their beliefs or for what they stand up for. Because I am Catholic and always will be.

Answer #7

People don’t believe in your version of religion for the same reason you don’t believe in theirs.

“I contend that you and I are both atheists - I simply believe in one fewer god than you. When you understand why you reject all other gods you will understand why I reject yours.”

-Stephen F. Roberts

Answer #8

I think the main reason, is because they have not had the same experience that you have, or perhaps, you were raised in the faith, and have yet to have an experience, but, I think that is it.

People tend to shy away from things they don’t understand, and only the Pentecostals and Charismatics feel this way, having had a personal experience with the Holy Spirit, however, some people in denominational circles, have had this experience, yet, remain in their denomination.

Be proud of your heritage…


Answer #9

I can think of 6 reasons why people might not me members of your particular religion.

  1. They haven’t heard the message yet. Therefore, they would not know about the Bible or your religion in order to join it.

  2. They are familiar with the Bible, but they don’t believe it is authentic. An example is toadaly’s repsonse above, and nebula when she finds this question. (Although I can not personally testify to their personal knowledge of the Bible, I give them the benefit of the doubt here.) Such people are usually very honest with themselves and others about what they believe. However, they are not in a position to believe what you believe (yet?).

  3. Some people recognize the truths of the Gospel, but see it as an impossible standard to live by. They cite as evidence the fact that, since Jesus, there has been no such thing as the perfect Christian. As GK Chesterton pointed out “the best argument against Christianity is Chirstians.” If we are not authentic witnesses to the faith, then we will never be able to convince anyone else. No one wants to listen to a hypocrite. (the Key to defeating that argument is that Christ came because we are weak/flawed/imperfect/sinful. However, we need to demonstrate that we are doing our best to live by the Gospel teachings. “the world listens to witnesses more than it listens to teachers; and if it listens to teachers it is because they are witnesses” (Pope John Paul 2).)

  4. There are people who have believed, but flattly reject a truth that they recognize because they are either A: afraid to change their lives to live in accordance with the Gospel message; or B: They mistakenly think that their sins are so great that God won’t forgive them. Both are errors, but the second is the more serious of the two.

  5. Some people do believe in the Authenticity of the Sacred Scriptures but do not believe in the King James translation. That particular translation has several concerns associated with it.
    A: It was hastily translated B: it is from a poor text family (the Byzantine text family) which is known to have been somewhat corrupted over the centuries C: The base text was neither original Greek nor the Latic vulgate, but was a text that had already been translated from Latin (which had been translated from Greek in the 5th century) into English and had been translated back into Latin. D: It was written in “Spencer’s Grand Style” which made some phrases unnecessarily verbose, and in some cases slightly altered their meaning. E: It does not include the Deuterocanonical books (seven books of the old testament that the Ancient Jews rejected at a Council of Jamina in 135 AD). The “Revised Standard Version” was translated shortly after the King James Version in order to correct most of the errors associated with the KJV (Although only the RSVCE contains the Deuterocanon).

  6. There are several different ways to interperate things that one finds in the Bible. If there is no central authority then, anyone can start a Church based what they think any 5 verses in the Bible mean. That was the problem that the Protestant world has had ever since the Reformation: there is no central Authority.

I myself am a Roman Catholic for the reasons contained in points 5 and 6.

Answer #10

y’all im only asking y’all a question im not going to argue or even judge u…

Answer #12

I don’t believe it because no one has proven to me yet that everything in the KJV is true.

Answer #13

I think the simple answer is

you believe it is all true, not everyone agrees…

Answer #14

Quite simply, it isn’t plausible.

Answer #15

heh, battling links it is then…


Answer #16

hmm I don’t know but why are you so concernd about it? just be you

Answer #17

I believe that God has made us free to make up own own minds. If we didn’t have that freedom to choose we would be like robots, and we all do like to be able to make our own decisions. Thus we can choose to come to Jesus (either as small children in a Christian family or at any later point in our lives). If people have had no experience of Jesus, or a bad experience of Christians, then they may very well choose to ignore our faith. Then we have to ask ourselves, is that their fault, or ours?

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