How do I get my parents divorced?

Answer #1

Why would you want your parents to get a divorce? :/

Answer #2

You don’t. You respect the fact that your parents are adults and will deal with their relationship in their own manner.

Answer #3

That’s a very selfish thing for you to want. Your parents are old enough to make their own decisions.

Answer #4

That is incredibly selfish. If a divorce is what they need, they will come to that decision themselves.

Answer #5

Thank you for the feed backs. I’m not trying to be selfish. It’s just thy my dad s extremely violent and mean specifically to me and my brother while my mom is lays trying to calm him down. I just want to get this to end and the only way I see is a divorce. This is really serious and I need help ASAP.

Answer #6

Ps: my father tried to kill me by choking me yesterday.

Answer #7

If your father is abusive, you need to call child welfare.

Answer #8

If your father is abusive, you need to call child welfare.

Answer #9

I agree with colleen. Contact child welfare. Not think of ways to get your parents to separate.

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