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Yes if ur parent did what is not right
Yes, of course you can. But only if they break any laws of your country. You can’t take them to court for not giving you chocolate. You can’t take them to court for loving your brother a little more than you. But you CAN take them to court for physical violence against you and of course for sexual abuse. Some places also have laws against psychical cruelty, but you’d really need to be able to prove that.
You live in the USA? They have criminal proceedings and civil proceedings.
So you go to the police and tell them what your parents do to you. If that breaks any laws, then the police will contact the state attorney. And the state attorney takes them to court. This trial has nothing to do with you, really. The state prosecutes all crime. You will only be called upon as a witness.
After that, you can have a lawyer - you get a duty solicitor if you can’t afford one - and sue your parents for compensation payments if you wish to. This is a civil proceeding.
Excellent answer my friend.
Thank you.
you can as the law clearly states that it is illegal for parents to abuse their children physically but if it is emotional verbal or mental you cant take her to court ok
Yes if they are abusive
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