Parents and Trust. (Parents or Kids please)

Im 15 and im 16 in july. I want to live my life, but of corse my parents disagree. recently I wanted to go to my a lil get together and of corse there was drink involved but there was parents and 5 other people going. but my mum wanted to speak to the dad. I understand why she wants to know but I think its all about live and learn, also my sister was a drinker, druggie and stuff. so I think they want me to not be like her but by doing that they are ruling my life by saying what I can or cant do .. I have tried to talk to them, but I end up getting stressed because I think back to all of those times its happened I get annoyed and argue. help me please I want to show them I will be ok.

Answer #1

im16 as well and I understand what you mean… but just be thankful you have parents that care about you. thats a rare thing. they know whats best for you and you have to trust them. my prayers go out to you that you make the right choices Colossians 3:20

Answer #2

I understand where you are coming from but they have a right to rule your life its their resposobility and you shud respect that but they shud also giv you some freedom

Answer #3

You’re wrong - sure your parents want you to live your life - they have vested interest in your success - show them in other ways you can be responsible - understandable they don’t want you to stray down that same hard road - they CARE !!…many, many don’t - be Thankful.

Answer #4

Thanks for all of the advice, I understand that my parents want to protect me and your right there are some time when im glad I didnt go. but I have always been the responsibl one -and I know im young- but I want to be a little free .. thanks anyway and I love the fact my parents are there for me, but im growing up so there are going to be situations when I want to be free. ツ thanks to everyone x

Answer #5

You are underage - of course your parents wouldn’t let you go to a party with drinkng. HELLO!!!

You are a child - they are the adults. It is their responsiblity to protect you, be respsonsible for you, and monitor you. They are doing their best job to raise your properly and keep you out of trouble, because they love you! Be happy you have parents that care about you - some kids dont have that and wish they did.

Answer #6

There’s something you have to keep in mind here - until you move out on your own, they DO rule your life.

You’re still young and your parents need to be able to make informed decisions about the places you want to go or the things you want to do. They are looking out for your best interests, so I’m afraid you’re just going to have to deal with it.

If I were you, I’d be happy to have had parents that were so involved in my life as a teen - it would have saved a lot of heartache as I grew.

Answer #7

Umm, well, when you want to go somewhere that you know they aren’t going to let you go, make up a story. And do what you want. Thats what I do. :]

Answer #8

You may think that they are being mean or selfish by not letting you “live your life”, however, later, like 5 or more years from now, you will be very greatful to have had parents who told you No. I think that telling your children No in situations like this determines the type of person you will be later in life. Live and learn applies to some situations, like love, success, and things like that. But alcohol and drugs is not always a learning experience, sometimes it’s just live and die. Think about it. I know it’s tough, but relax. You don’t have much longer under their roof anyway, and if you still wanna live and learn, then at 18 you can. I feel you and your parents. I always thought mine were being mean when they didn’t let me do what I wanted, but I am so glad they made the choices they did. A lot of times, situations like this had bad endings and I found out about it later when I didn’t go.

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