Over reacting?

I had sex for the second time with my boyfriend, it was only gentle, and the condom didn’t split…I arn’t late for my period, but I get very worried about being pregnant coming up to my period…do you think I am just over reacting and paranoid? Wb asap x

Answer #1

your just being paranoid. I wouldnt say over reacting? I dont think you should worry about it.. just keep using condoms and maybe take birth control? or if your really worried maybe you should wait to have sex. all girls even some guys worry about being/getting someone pregnant. your b/f was wearing a condom, it didnt break, your fine. I hope this helped!

Answer #2

Yes you are the only way you can get pregnant is if he cums in side you . Dont worrie if you are being safe then you cant get pregnant. If you are really worried go get some birth control. I hope I helped fun mail me if you have any more questions. Yours turly, Demika Ray

Answer #3

Over reacting and paranoid, id say lots of women get this judging by the fact that half of the internet is people thinking they or their girlfriends are pregnant when it is a false alarm.

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